
2006-12-24 1:28 am

回答 (6)

2006-12-24 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
「孝順」的「孝」最普遍的譯法是 filial piety, 而「順」則是 filial obedience. 至於「孝順」整個名詞亦多只譯作 filial piety.
作為形容詞時, 例如在說「a君十分孝順」則可以用 filially pious, e.g. A is filially pious; 「a君十分孝順父母」則可說 A is filially pious to his parents. 另外一個譯法是 filially devoted.
如果像你的例子只是簡單的說人孝順, 而沒有其他詳述孝順的內容, 則無論用那個譯法, 最好是可以加入「父母」(parents) 一字, 因為 filial 雖然意思是「恰如一個兒女的本份」, 英文的 filial piety 及 filially pious 亦有時會用作指對「神/主」的忠誠 (即把信徒看成是主的兒女); 加入「父母」一字則可避免這個混淆的可能性.

2006-12-26 20:41:58 補充:
You should learn to understand the words' various meanings, esp those that exist in modern usage. Also, no words were ever deprived from Latin; although a great many were derived from it.
2006-12-24 1:41 am
孝順係英文無一個exact term
A shows great respect to his mum.
2006-12-24 1:40 am


參考: 過往經驗
2006-12-26 11:49 pm
Filial - deprived from the Latin word "filius/filia", meaning son/daughter
Pious - deprived from the Latin word "pius", meaning loyal. Nowadays, pious is an adjective to describe someone who is faithful to god (I am a pious man - I believe in God).
2006-12-24 9:00 pm
" a You are very filial= "a君十分孝順

Filial =孝順
2006-12-24 4:39 am

1.to show filial obedience or devotion for (one's parents)

2.filial piety; filial duty

參考資料:Yahoo! 字典

例句:I show filial obedience or devotion for my parents

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