
2006-12-23 11:02 pm


superknifefox:「所以哲學可豐富神學,但絕不可取代啟示。」 看到這句,我真是笑了......... 神學不過是有限制的形上學,是以「耶神是真的」這前提下工作的形上學而已。 哲學豐富神學?神學本是哲學中的過時支派,現在又吃回頭草? 「啟示」又是故弄玄虛的玩意,你如何定義? 錯遇謬靈的危機呢?


Maggie,根我說philo是危險的,我讀不同哲學概論的數目之多, 可以推介那些是好讀的.........但,共同點有一個,基督教並沒有任何權威可言, 反而是教義上的排他性,和哲學不容,我要「反反」也不無道理。


Religion is more than just philosophy? 兩者根本沒誰高誰低, 但如果是指邏輯實證論和形上學(神學只是限制了的形上學), 邏輯實證論提倡取消形上學的歷史,相信無人不識。 就是不取消,形上學從本質上, 已經不再是要找「ultimate reality」,而只是變成思辯遊戲, intellectual play而已。要練好思維不難,但要有結論,則不可能, 有接觸過的人都應該知道。 邏輯實證論的過度擴充可以解決, 但基督教卻不可能隨便更改教義.......


fine art的defining? 點解唔係哲學的defining? 文化哲學?philosophy of culture? 和我的範圍不同,難以比較。 還是存在主義的?如果只是神學的,難免可惜。 神學不過是將形上學中的本體,未經任何處理就定為基督教的神。 形上學的缺點,神學也會有。 而且,只要一挑戰本體是否神,又是問題了。 (根據我近來建立的論證,似乎, 有人說「全能神存在」,也將變成一句無意義的話, 變成不用理會的話.......(笑)

回答 (1)

2006-12-24 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
RE: 近代的邏輯解析的哲學派系,才是真的和基督教本質上不容。

Do you know what is philosophy? Do you know the nature of philosophy? Have you taken any philosophy courses? I have. And it was very very interesting. We were trying to define what fine art is and after 4 months of serious discussion about what philosophers from Socrates to a more modern era have to say about fine art and the conclusion is "we can never have a solid definition for fine art". (which is how Dao De Jing started... Hahaha... )
Anyways, what is logical now did not have to be logical 3000 yrs ago and may not be as logical 3000 years later. What is logical in one culture does not have to be logical in another. I have taken semantics and logic is so involved but Language changes over time...

Logic and philosophy are totalIy based on human understanding towards issues; it is silly to believe that people can actually use their so-called logic to define something beyond. Religion is more than just philosophy. Theology is 哲學中的過時支派?! Really? Where is that from?

Believing man who always and only stays in the material world is capable of having a thorough understanding of the spiritual world? What is that Chinese proverb? "Frog in the bottom of a well"?

2006-12-24 09:17:25 補充:
o wow... to u 說phil是危險的... I am sorry, so what if you read a lot? how much did u actually digest and thorough understand? I read both the Analects and Daode Jing and i am sure u know how different they are, do I have to disregard one of them?

2006-12-24 09:23:46 補充:
The reason why i said religion is more than phil is because ppl can adapt themselves into the phil of a religion but disregard the component of god. Like ppl can believe there's consequences if u do bad things without acknowledging Buddha

2006-12-24 09:28:28 補充:
u were right in a sense that studying theology is pointless if you do not believe in the exsistence of God with is the core of the whole discussion. I am glad that we finally get to this main point.

2006-12-24 09:30:43 補充:
I do not think ppl can ever prove or disprove the physical exsistence of God (if they don't consider Jesus is God) because God does not belong to the physical world.

2006-12-24 09:32:19 補充:
phil itself has many schools of thougths. All these different divisions again, are from us, mankind. Phil helps us think for sure can it can't prove or disprove the exsistence of God.

2006-12-24 09:39:37 補充:
Afterall, as u said, philosophy does not provide THE very answer; we can hardly conclude. Hope this would help u to see why there's so many denominations of Christianity. On the other hand, God tells u He is the answer. Are u willing to seek from the answer?

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