我想問e d野,英文點寫???要用書面語wo!!!

2006-12-23 9:48 pm

要同ge詞語:shopping/department store ;Cleve/christmas present ; finish/homework/press the button ; ????????????????


回答 (2)

2006-12-24 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
我幫你住部用哂present tense.
One day,I go shopping with my mum,when I pass thoug a shop,I see a wonderful robot.
I want my mum buy it for my christmas present .Later, my mum buy it for me!I am very happy!Afterwards,I go back home.I play my robot after I finish my homework.
But.when I press one of the button,some smoke emit out at the back of the robot.I report to my mum immediately!Fortunately,my mum will buy one more for me tomorrow!
參考: 自己譯~上面個個用番譯器~一睇就知
2006-12-23 9:59 pm
Some on first, I arrive the department store good street together with mother, I pass through a shop , sees me to like my mechanical man very much, I thought mother gives me to treat as the Christmas gift, afterwards, mother bought has given me, me is extremely happy, gets the home, after I completed the schoolwork to play this mechanical man, but, I as soon as pressed button, the mechanical man back left the smoke, afterwards, I on told mother immediately, mother said will buy more than 1 mechanical men tomorrow to me! ! !

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