has anyone's dog been to 非牟利獸醫服務協????

2006-12-23 9:33 pm
has anyone's dog been to 非牟利獸醫服務協????
for your information, u need to book it 4 days in advance!!! is it a real vet????
has anyone has detail information about them??
i dun need da link, cuz i hv it!!!!
just want u guyz own opinions!!!

cheers mate

回答 (1)

2006-12-25 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yep. My miniature pinscher has been to a "非牟利獸醫服務協" sor i dunno howta type Chinese. Yep u should book it 4 days in advance except for emergency~Dats acceptable. But i noe dat SPCA only needs 3days booking in advance. I'm sure that its a real vet...FOR SURE I PROMISE U MY LIFE lol. But go to some bigger vet just in case. ^^
參考: myself

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