(急again)生有限活無限 的英文?

2006-12-23 6:41 pm

回答 (5)

2006-12-23 7:29 pm
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Life is finite; living is infinite.

finite 有限

infinite 無限

形用 LIFE 用 FINITE, INFINITE 比用 LIMITED 好些,因 FINITE, INFINITE 是指生命的長短,且感覺較哲學,形容些大問題,而 LIMITED 是指能力,限制多些,且 一般說法也是用 FINITE, INFINITE。

約有25,600項符合"life is finite"的查詢結果,

Sharon Seligman Photography - Breast Cancer: Life Is Finiteshared. Life Is Finite. Life Is Finite When the treatments ended, Merrily quit her job, rented her house, and took to the road to experience life from a new perspective. Previous · Next · Portfolios | Information | Links ...
www.sharonseligman.com/Cancer/finite.htm - 4k

約有249項符合 "living is infinite"的查詢結果

Knowledge is thus finite, and living is infinite. These two levels are the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. They are also "male" and "female." "Male" is the "line" and the Torah learning that leads, as on a line, one word to the ...
www.sinaicentral.com/kedusho/ Latest%20Berman%20Book%20Gender%20Marriage%2072503.htm -

2006-12-23 8:04 pm
Life is limited, dreams are infiinte.

2006-12-23 12:05:40 補充:
oh.. sorry. a typing error.The correct sentence should be: Life is limited, dreams are infinite.
2006-12-23 7:06 pm
Life is Limited, Live is Unlimited.

2006-12-23 11:08:59 補充:
修改版,应该是:Life is Limited, Alive is Unlimited.
2006-12-23 6:56 pm
life is limited, alive is boundless.


希望幫到你啦~~!! ^^
參考: ME~~
2006-12-23 6:47 pm

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