[Urgent, 10 分] 去Frankfurt 過一晚應該留係機場定住酒店?

2006-12-23 6:33 pm
我同另一個女仔會1/1 6點鐘係frankfurt 機場落機, 而且會有好多行李...
果日我地一定要係Frankfurt 過一晚, 唔係for 玩,係因為無屋住...
我地傾過點算好, 佢insist 要留係機場,因為我地唔識德文又攞住一大堆行李
但我好怕機場會仲危險,同埋要睇住行李 = 無得訓
我搵到一間酒店係exectly 係Hauptbahnhof 對面叫Hotel Excelsior Frankfurt am Main, 應該就好方便, 不過有無人去過? 有個德國同學仔同我講Hauptbahnhof 果頭係紅燈區, 我地去既時候仲係夜晚, 會唔會無咁好?



回答 (3)

2006-12-25 11:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all,I think frankfurt airport is very safe,you don't have to worry about your safty and your luggages too much.
But i do agree that sleeping in the airport is quite tried.No bed,no shower...just too bad! I think i know the hotel you talk about,it is very close to the main railway station(hauptbahnhof).I think it is 4-star hotel,not bad.But do not expect too much.it is really big difference if you compare with 4-star hotel in hongkong.that hotel is 2 streets away from sex district.There are few drunk and homeless people around station,but normally they do not disturb others.I think it is not danger.
Also there are a lot of chinese restrant around.All people work there can speak chinese,and even cantonese.
I suggest you live the hotel,you can leave your luggage at the airport.Luggage stowage locates at terminal 1,hall b,arrival level. and then you can go 1 more level down to "S-bahn" station,take s-8or s9 towards "hanau"or "offenbach",which via haupthahnhof.there 3 stops ,"sportfield","niedrrad",then"hauptbahnhof".it takes around 10 mins.
Wish you have a nice stay in frankfurt.
p.s. if you have any more questions,you are welcome to send me mail at "henrydaiying@yahoo.com"
參考: from myself, i lived in frankfurt before
2006-12-24 3:42 am
Hauptbahnhof 其實即係中央火車站, 如果你反正唔打算行黎行去或者去玩, 就算果頭係紅燈區都冇問題. 其實德國紅燈區一D都唔雜. 再加上如果搭火車由機場出市區, 個個人都一定喺 Hbf (Hauptbahnhof) 落車, 又可以有幾唔安全呢?
其實機場附近都有酒店, 如果唔係旺季同預先訂, 應該唔貴. 可以試下 Sheraton Frankfurt Hotel.
2006-12-23 6:43 pm
咁我想問, 你 1 月 2 日幾時可以離開機場?? 我勸你就唔好留係機場, 德國的治安我信得過, 但係訓機場係相當相當辛苦的... 你朋友可能還沒有試過才咁講吧...
行李多其實唔係好大問題. 機場出市中心的火車班次好密, 上落亦唔太難的. 車程只需要 30 分鐘左右. 法蘭克福火車站 (Hauptbahnhof) 對面真係紅燈區來的. 兩個女仔唔好住啦.
上次我去法蘭克福是住離火車站幾個站的 Offenbach (離市中心 15分鐘), 亦係好多行李, 都好方便啦... 如果你需要, 可 e-mail 我, 比個 e-mail 你問問酒店有冇房啦...

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