pls solve the paradox of an almighty god who can't lift up smthing too heavy for him which he invented?

2006-12-22 1:12 pm

回答 (8)

2006-12-22 11:39 pm
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Sheesh. Some people are so defensive. For all the religious people here, they haven't put much thought into this.

(Incidentally, this is NOT a science question. This is a philosophy question ... and a good one.)

This is known as the Omnipotence Paradox ... and the classical way to state it is as follows:

'If God is all-powerful, can He create a stone so heavy that He cannot lift it?'

(This is sometimes called the "paradox of the stone.")

It is NOT just an effort to disprove either the existence or omnipotence of God (although some philosophers have tried to argue such). People like St. Augustine, St. Anselm, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Rene Descartes, for example, used it as a way to get us to *think* about the concepts of omnipotence.

One way to resolve it is to understand that omnipotence does not require God to be able to do all things at once. God can create a stone that is completely unliftable *at the time of creation*, and subsequently can *alter* the stone to be able to lift it.

The concept is mentioned in the movie "Inherit the Wind" when the William Jennings Bryan-based character says: "Natural law was born in the mind of the Creator. He can change it—cancel it—use it as He pleases!"

In other words, God can violate His own laws ... or change them if He pleases. (This is why God is problematic as an explanation of any scientific question ... if the purpose of science is to discover the laws of the universe, then any explanation that involves a being that can violate or change those laws ... or for that matter the very laws of logic ... at any time, isn't much of an explanation.)

For many more responses, see:
2006-12-22 9:15 pm
An Almighty God is too smart to bother inventing it in the first place.
2006-12-22 9:22 pm
There is nothing God CAN'T do. And for anyone to say otherwise doesn't know the true God. People have to put everything in abox and can't just take things for what they are. So many people waste so much time and money trying to disprove everything that is holy and sacred, it's just sad. THere is going to come a day when every knee shall bow, and woe to those that blaspheme.
2006-12-23 6:39 am
Well you can build a statue, right? And if you made it big and heavy enough, using the materials around you, you wouldn't be able to lift it, right? See? No paradox at all.
2006-12-22 10:11 pm
There is no paradox, science does not require a god. Maybe try the religion section instead.
2006-12-22 9:25 pm
What is your challenge? Could you be more eloquent?
2006-12-23 12:09 pm
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord, thy God.

If you believe, you will not ask such an impudent question. If not, woe be unto you in the day of judgement.
2006-12-22 9:24 pm
Does have to do with a heart that that is over burden with sin!
He invented the heart but not sin. so it will never be able to join him for eternity

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