Is there such thing as the most beautiful woman or person in the world?

2006-12-22 12:42 pm
Is there such thing as the most physically beautiful woman in the world? Or the most beautiful man? Would the most beautiful woman in the world be snobby or not?

回答 (9)

2006-12-22 12:46 pm
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when you ask that question, first you have to ask what is beautiful. Something beautiful to someone might not be beautiful to other. So how can one be the most beautiful?
2006-12-22 10:51 pm
I don't think there can ever be a MOST beautiful because there's no universal definition of what beautiful is- everyone is going to disagree on their pick.

Think of some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood- can you really define who the MOST beautiful of them is? Even if so, not everyone is going to agree with you. One person may think Charlize Theron is physical perfection, and another thinks Halle Berry- neither is more correct in their opinion than the other.

Then, when you throw all the other cultures in this world into the mix, it makes it even more difficult to choose a 'most beautiful'- different cultures glorify different physical qualities and find different features to be aesthetically pleasing. Are Asians more beautiful than Indians, blondes more attractive then brunettes, or curvy girls hotter than skinny ones? Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, and therefore it's impossible to objectively answer any one of those questions.

If there was one definitively 'most beautiful' woman in the world, I think she would probably snobby. If you spend your whole life praised for something skin-deep, I think you'd end up pretty jaded about what really matters.
2006-12-22 8:52 pm
Of course, there are beautiful people, but what might be beautiful to you isn't necessarily what will attract the next person. As they say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." As for snobby, quite possible. When one has incredible looks and get a lot of attention, they sometimes fail to round out their personalities and education and can be incredibly boring.
2006-12-29 1:39 pm
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's what one person finds in another like a quality they love, or how well that person treats them, then there is beauty, some call it inner beauty. It all depends on the person.
2006-12-22 9:23 pm
in opinion...yes...there would...
參考: a hobo
2006-12-22 9:04 pm
only if you can standardize beauty
2006-12-22 8:57 pm
I don't believe that is true. I mean, sure, there are pretty (or handsome) people in the world, but... everyone is beautiful in their own way. Just telling yourself and knowing inside that you are beautiful and NOT ugly is the best. With this, you will probably get more confidence.
2006-12-22 8:56 pm
Of course. But since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, people will not always agree on who is their most beautiful.
2006-12-22 8:47 pm
no i dont think there is a most beautiful man or woman in the world everyone is pretty in some way no one is ugly . if there was a most beautiful man or woman in the world people wouldnt sell beauty products becoz they know you cant be as beautiful as whoever is the prettiest in the world
hope it helped

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