How to know a dog is in pain or not?

2006-12-22 10:14 am
My 9yrs old dog has sprain his leg. He can't walk properly and don't know whether he is in pain or not? I am thinking of bringing him to the vet, but I don't have a private car and all our public transports are "no pet allowed". Is there any way to send my dog to a vet?

回答 (8)

2006-12-22 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ways to tell if your dog is in pain:

If your dog is shivering and it's not cold, it's in pain.
If your dog gets up repeatedly from sleep to "dig" a new spot to sleep it is in discomfort.
If your dogs has it's ears back and and has its eye lids lowered, it's in pain.
Some dogs have an actual frown when they hurt.
If your touching the hurt leg causes a cry the dog is probably in pain.

Please try to get your dog to the vet. Dogs don't tolerate aspirin well but they can take Ascriptin in 1/4 tab for dogs 15-20lbs, 1/2 tablet for dogs 21-32 lbs.

Good luck to you.

PS. the Humane Society or the SPCA might give your dog a ride.
2006-12-22 6:26 pm
"not walking properly" is a good indicator of pain. If your dog whines while trying to walk it probably hurts. Baby aspirin -one- is recommended by my vet for arthritis and minor pain.

Don't you have friends with private cars? I'll take you and your pup....oh, I can't drive across water. Rats. good luck.
2006-12-22 6:23 pm
In L.A. we have vets that make housecalls but they can be expensive. Try asking a nieghbor to help you out. As for the dog, he is probably in pain but dogs don't show thier pain unless of course they are limping, or if you try to get a hold of the injured area they sometimes try to bite to show you that it is hurting there.
2006-12-22 6:19 pm
Try calling the taxi companies in town. I know that here,in San Francisco, many of the clients we saw at the vet's office where I worked arrived by taxi with their pets.
2006-12-23 12:20 am
Perhaps your vet would know of any transports avail? Good Luck.
2006-12-22 6:33 pm
Call a taxi, get a friend to take you. The dog is most likely in pain and needs a vet.
2006-12-22 6:23 pm
Some cities have dog ambulances. Otherwise ask a friend or neighbor for a lift if possible.
2006-12-22 6:21 pm
Why not ask a family member or a friend if they will take your dog to the vet for you, of course you need to go also. It is best to get it checked out as it may not just be a sprain & he may do more damage to it. Good Luck & hope he gets better soon.

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