volcanic eruption 同 weathering 的關係

2006-12-23 7:55 am
volcanic eruption may cause magma from mantlw to be subject to weathering.


回答 (3)

2006-12-23 10:47 am
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volcanic eruption may cause magma from mantle to be subject to weathering.

1. 分清Magma與Lava

magma 是指未曾暴露於空氣中,藏在地殼內 或 地幔(mantle)中 的岩漿,
(When mantle rocks become molten they are called magma, and they can flow.)

Lava 是到達地表的岩漿, 改成為熔岩(lava).
(Magma that reaches the surface is called lava.)

在巨大的壓力下,熾熱的岩漿(magma) 祇能在軟流圈(asthenosphere)內對流。但當板塊移動時,往往使地殼產生裂縫,令岩漿急速冒升,侵入原有岩層的空隙,或噴出地面,是為火山活動作用。到達地面的岩漿稱為熔岩(lava)。

2. Weathering
其他剝蝕作用還有塊體移動(mass movement), 侵蝕(erosion),和搬運作用(transportation).
風化是指岩石被分解, 而並不包括任何移動。風化層(regolith)是在原位(in situ)產生。
(Weathering process do not involve any movement.)

(Weathering is the first process to operate in shaping the landscape.)
過程包括物理崩解(physical disintegration)和化學分解(chemical decomposition)的同時作用。
這樣,就把暴露的岩石面(exposed rock surfaces)轉換成岩石碎片,稱為風化層(regolith)。


解答: [ 既然題目用英文,我用英文答。]

Volcanic eruption(火山爆發) is a kind of extrusive vulcanicity (噴出火山作用), refers to magma that reaches the surface as lava. When lava soloidfies, it forms extrusive igneous rocks(噴出火成岩). These rocks are exposed and therefore subjected to weathering.
參考: 會考地理
2006-12-26 11:41 pm
2006-12-23 9:06 am
火山噴出黎既野會形成雲阻隔太陽既光線, 令氣溫下降

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