
2006-12-23 5:06 am

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2006-12-23 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
best loved
參考: 自己
2006-12-23 5:35 am

其他about "愛":

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Words 1. 博愛 [bo2ai4], n. & adj., love, love for all.

V.i. 喜愛,喜好 [xi3ai4], [xi3hao4]↓;

Words 1. 喜愛 [xi3ai4], v.t., to like, to love (child, swimming, detective story, etc.).

Adj. 熱愛 ardent love;

V.t. 愛戴 love and support (leader);

V.t. 眷愛 [jUan4ai4]↓;

Words 1. 眷愛 [jUan4ai4], v. t., to love, have affection for subordinate.

Words 1. 友愛 [you3ai4], (1) v.t., to be good friends with; to be kind to (brothers); (2) adj., kind, amiable.

N. & V.t. Admiration, longing: 愛慕,思慕 love;

V.i & t. (1) (LL) to love: 男歡女愛 man and woman in passion of love;

Words 1. 敬愛 [jing4ai4], v.t., to love and respect.

V.t. 恃愛,恃寵 rely on master’s or superior's love and indulgen.........

Words 1. 憐愛 [lian2ai4], v.t., love, esp. tender ones.

Words 4. 惟一 [wei2yi1], adj., only one: 惟一上帝 only one God; 惟一愛人 one's only love.

V.i. & t. (1) To love and care, to love tenderly: 愛惜,憐惜 to be tender and considerate toward (children, orphans, flowers), to love and care for (what is precious);

N. Hatred: 愛憎 love and hatred, likes and dislikes.

N. (1) Affection, feeling, sentiment: 七情(喜怒哀懼愛惡欲)the seven passions (joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hatred, desire);
(4) Love of the sexes: 愛情 love;

Words 1. 情愛 [qing2ai4], n., love (of friends, man and woman).

Adj. & adv. 互愛 love one another;

Words 4. 互相 [hu4xiang1], adv., mutually, each other: 互相敬愛 mutually respect and love; 互相干涉 interfere with each other; 互相牽連 involve each other, be interrelated, etc.

Adj. attached to vbb. indicating esteem: 珍愛,珍賞,珍藏 [zhen1ai4], [zhen1shang3], [zhen1cang2]↓;

Words 1. 珍愛 [zhen1ai4], v.t., love dearly, cherish.

Adj. 孺愛 filial love.

Words 1. 母愛 [mu3ai4], n., maternal love.

N. or between parent and child: 恩愛夫妻.

Words 1. 恩愛 [en1ai4], n., love, esp. between husband and wife.

Words 1. 暱愛 [ni4ai4], V.t., have a passionate love for (s. o.).

Adv. Intimately, closely, passionately: 昵愛 [ni4ai4]↓.

Words 1. 昵愛 [ni4ai4], v.t., to love passionately (a woman) (usu. wr. 溺愛; cf. 暱愛).

Words 1. 雅愛 [ya3ai4], n., (court.) your kindness.

Words 1. 關愛 [guan1ai4]1, v.t., express solicitude for the well-being of (s.o.).

V.i. & t. 談情說愛 talk love;

Adj. (2) (Court.) 謬愛=錯愛 undeserved kindness, favors;

V.t. (1) To love, to be close to: 親愛,親暱,親近,親切 [qin1ai4], [qin1ni4], [qin1jin4], [qin1qie4]↓;
相親相愛 very loving, deeply attached to each other;

Adj. (1) Loving, close, intimate: 親愛,親熱,親暱,親近 [qin1ai4], [qin1re0], [qin1ni4], [qin1jin4]↓.

Words 1. 親愛 [qin1ai4], adj., dear, affectionate, esp. 親愛的 darling, beloved: 親愛的母親,朋友 my dear mother, friend.

V.i. & adj. 痛愛 love deeply (person), oft. 疼愛.

Words 1. 疼愛 [teng2ai4], v. t., love dearly.

V.t. To favor, be specially fond of (person): 寵愛,寵信 [chong3ai4], [chong3xin4]↓;

Words 1. 寵愛 [chong3ai4], v.t., to love especially (a child, mistress, courtier).

V.t. 割據 [ge1jU4], 割捨 [ge1she3], 割讓 [ge1rang4], 割愛 [ge1ai4]↓.

Words 1. 割愛 [ge1ai4], v.t., give away or part with what one loves.

Words 5. 潔身 [jie2shen1], v.i., as in 潔身自愛 lead an honest and clean life
2006-12-23 5:30 am
favourite (n.)
eg. My favourite things 我最喜歡的東西

best-loved/best-liked (adj.)
eg. I love all these plushies, but this is my best-loved one.

love ... the most (expression)
eg. I love you the most! 我最愛你!

best love (n.)
eg. You are my best love! 你是我最愛的!
參考: 我自己
2006-12-23 5:17 am
the best love
2006-12-23 5:15 am

就係my best love


You are my best love.




It is my best-loved toy.
2006-12-23 5:13 am
2006-12-23 5:13 am
2006-12-23 5:13 am
most loved, best loved, my favorite

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