
2006-12-23 3:03 am
日本亞細亞航空公司 同 日航有咩分別??

回答 (3)

2006-12-23 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Japan Asia Airways (JAA) is orginally formed by Japan Air Lines (JAL) back in 1975...
As back in 1970's, due to political issues... Airlines are not allow to operate to both Taiwan and China as China government force many of international airlines that fly to China to drop their flights to Taiwan, or otherwise they will have to drop flights to China if they choose to fly to Taiwan... So it was a situation when airlines have to choose either China or Taiwan...
In order for JAL to keep both their operation to Taiwan and China... JAL has formed a subsidies which is known as JAA to take over JAL's flights to Taiwan while JAA concentrate on China operations...
Although the restrictions have lifted for years and airlines are now allow to operate to both countries... However, JAL continue to operate JAA as their full subsidies to operate all flights between Taiwan and Japan on behalf of JAL at current date...
And that is the reason why JAA have the same livery with JAL but having JAA painted on the body instead of JAL...
ps. Back in 1970's... There are a few other airlines which have done the same to create a subsidies to operate flights to Taiwan which are KLM Asia and British Airways Asia, both of which operate flights to Taipei via Hong Kong so that their sister compary KLM and British Airways can keep their operations to China (mainly Beijing)...

2006-12-22 20:17:23 補充:
And since 1990's... JAL has became 1 of the few airlines that still own a subsidies (JAA) for flights to Taiwan... As KLM and British Airways both have dropped their flights to Taiwan during 1990's...
2006-12-25 10:56 pm
2006-12-23 3:07 am

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