A an the !!?

2006-12-23 1:37 am
我想問下a an the :




回答 (3)

2006-12-23 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
a : 一件物件或一個人物
eg. Alice works in a bank.

an : ( 不是 'a ') 用於以 a / e / i / o / u 為開首的字前
eg. Do you want an apple or a banana?

* 注意 :
an hour h 是不發音的 : an ( h ) our
a university ( 發音為 yuniversity )
a European country ( 發音為 yuropean )
another ( = an + other ) 是一個字
eg. Can I have another cup of tea?

a / an : 用於說明某事物或某人物
eg. The sun is a star.

a / an : 用於表示工作等等
eg. Would you like to be a teacher?

the : 用於特別指明某物件或某人物 , 而談話中的雙方都知道所指的是甚麼
eg. Turn off the light and close the door. ( = 那房間的燈和門 )

* 注意 : 別忘記加上 the :
Do you live near the city centre? ( 不是 'near city centre ')

the same
eg. We live in the same street. ( 不是 'in same street ')

在下列情況必須用 the :
the sun / the moon / the world / the sky / the sea / the country :
eg. the sky is blue and the sun is shining.

( 一個城市或國家的 ) the police / the fire brigade / the army :
eg. My brother is a soldier. He' s in the army.

the top / the end / the middle / the left 等等 :
eg. Write your name at the top of the page.

( play ) the piano / the guitar / the trumpet 等等 ( 樂器 ) :
eg. Paula is learning to play the piano.

the radio :
eg. I listen to the radio a lot.

在下列情況切勿用 the :
eg. I watch television a lot.
但 ... Can you turn off the television ? ( = the TV set )

breakfast / lunch / dinner :
eg. What did you have for breakfast ?

next / last + week / month / year / summer / Monday 等等 :
eg. I' m not working next week.
2006-12-23 2:05 am
a, an, the 三個都可以指明一樣東西的~

1. 一
It took us an hour and a half to finish the job.
Stan is an old friend of mine.
2. 任一
In Britain, an engine driver is a person who drives a railway engine.
在英國,engine driver指火車司機。
3. 某一
An American student wants to see you.
4. 每一
He was paid seven dollars an hour.

1. 這(個),那(個)
Do you know the man talking to the boss?
2. 這些,那些
Have you got the letters I sent you?

不過 A, AN 就一定只可以用係單數詞/字前面~
而A 就用係任何一個NOUN 既前面都OK!! except, 响音開頭個d~~~
相反~ 响音開頭個d就用 AN....
EG, AN egg, A boy, A girl, AN hour...
THE 就會係一個指明的東西上面~~ EG. A boy is 8 years old. THE boy goes to school. 即指明呢個8歲男孩返學~
參考: Grammar book
2006-12-23 1:58 am
1.a 同an都係同一個意思,都係一的意思。
2.an 係用於果個word的頭一個word如果係a,e,i,o,u,就要用。如果果個word頭一個word唔係a,e,i,o,u,就用a。
參考: me

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