
2006-12-22 8:34 pm
最近當我架車無比油或停車嘅時候,架車轉數會自己響800至1100又上又落,仲會發出d"吳,吳,ng, ng" 聲 有無人知係咪事??HELP

回答 (6)

2006-12-25 6:51 pm
什麼車種?架車轉數會自己響800至1100又上又落時有冇開冷氣?很多車輛沒開冷氣時怠速會維持在750轉至950轉之間,開冷氣時行車電腦會自動提升200至250轉來維持怠速穩定、d〝吳,吳,ng, ng,wo,wo,〞 聲是否開冷氣時發出(打開BONNET更嘈)?如果祗在開冷氣時有雜音及轉數又上又落,熄冷氣時轉數穩定及無雜音便有60%是冷氣壓縮機(泵)出現問題了。
參考: 以前在雞地(現址YoHo Town)財記車房任補師,現為客運物流公司股東
2006-12-24 7:42 pm
揾人再較吓SLOW 車就 O K 啦,多數電油引擎嘅slow 車(惰速)在經过一段時間操作都應重新調較一吓吸必打嘅油針以達至最佳隋速的五百轉。
小贴士:由于汽油隔末必能100%隔除雜質,故如有少至頭髮般细小微粒塞在油针附近就會惰速不均而有ng ng 聲的。本人修埋快艇汽油引擎十多年,雖同科,但道埋是一样的
2006-12-24 3:30 am
intake air leak 吸氣喉漏氣.
Throttle opening sensor kept in idle position, so rpm rise and high due to air leak but computer found and sense the pedal not pressed, high max value rpm compare which stored in the programme, computer 欲 reduce fuel injection and then it idle drop too much, computer re-injection more fuel to rise up again prevent engine stall, so you see the idle speed up and down what we call hunting.
電子油門感應器因測到無踏油門而轉數會高,高過程式,故cut 油,落至響800 rpm 又噴翻油.
好像人哮喘一樣發出d"吳,吳,ng, ng" 聲.

2006-12-24 17:07:43 補充:
現今汽車點火無白金 contact breaker, 無吸必打.latest engine now do not have any contact breaker in ignition system and carburettor assembly in you fuel intake system.Go back to dealer to ask for help, check the throttle air duct leak.回總代理跟吸氣喉漏氣.
2006-12-23 12:45 am
或者個 空氣流量計 讀唔到空氣的流量都會咁像.
2006-12-22 10:31 pm
可能係 idle control唔得, co渇合比有問題, 又或者有其他地方漏風都唔定

2006-12-22 14:32:56 補充:
2006-12-22 8:44 pm
Although I do not know what matter it is,
I strongly recommand you to get your car checked by professionals.

This is a matter about human lifes, your life.

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