
2006-12-22 5:18 pm
Put one of the prepositions in each blank. Each word can be used MORE THAN ONCE.

in at from into on to with of

Last Saturday e.g. at 7:00p.m.a thief broke 1. ? a car that was parked in the car park next 2.? Sheung Shui KCR satation.He stole a bag of jewellery 3. ? the owner 4. ?the car.

回答 (4)

2006-12-22 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. into
2. to
3. from
4. of
2006-12-23 1:49 am
1) into
2) to
3) from
4) of
2006-12-22 5:38 pm
Last Saturday e.g. at 7:00p.m.a thief broke (1. into) a car that was parked in the car park next (2. to) Sheung Shui KCR satation.He stole a bag of jewellery (3. from) the owner (4. by) the car.

2006-12-22 5:26 pm
Last Saturday e.g. at 7:00p.m.a thief broke (1. into) a car that was parked in the car park next (2. to) Sheung Shui KCR satation.He stole a bag of jewellery (3. from) the owner (4. with) the car.

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