鍾意左best frd......help me please ar!!!(好長,20 points)

2006-12-22 1:13 pm
唉.....我同個男同學(T)友情非常深厚(we are 大專生, 我地互相傾心事, 講d 從來冇俾人知o既secrets 俾對方知), 佢仲試過因為我深夜好眼訓, 特登陪我搭左程車, 俾膊頭我埃, 之後沿線坐返轉頭, o徙左成粒鐘(佢都好累)....總之好close

但我同佢只係維持係best frd, 因為佢早o個陣連鍾意左個女同學(xx)都同我share, o個陣我鍾意緊另一個男(A), 被rejected, 佢都知+安慰我, 佢亦知我而家仲鍾意A.....當時佢講到xx好似都有意思, 我仲幫佢手, 點知原來佢一廂情願, 又俾人rejected(暗示方式)...但佢仲鍾意緊xx, (in fact 佢地本身一d 都唔熟, 只有偶爾msn), 而家都keep 住有msn, but 成日dead air...

繼續請睇http://www.xanga.com/bingobinbingobin 因為太長@@

what can i do........><
please helppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2006-12-22 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you said you and him are best friends ONLY!!!!!
what you expext him to know?
if you keep treating him good....he may think it's only friendship because he knows you still love A.
what you can do now...
tell him you have no more feeling with A
and give him more tips la ....
even if best friend...but "we shouldn't be too close"
see what if he react....
2006-12-22 6:09 pm

其實蠢果個唔係佢, 可能係妳呢...







參考: 自己
2006-12-22 1:56 pm
A good relationship would take time to build up trust and feeling, it sounded good that you had worked out with T before, but relationship didn't last forever at the same level you expected. From what I heard, it's everything about you... you you you!!! How you think about him, you were being gossip by bitches, you did something for him etc... Well, I am not saying you did anything wrong, but do you really get to know him about everything he is now thinking or doing? I don't know the situation much, but I think if he's really interested in you as much you thought, he would treat you good now and then, so you don't really have to make it happens, but to see how it happens!! If he thinks you are too easy to chase as a gf, he will not spend more time treating you good later. It never is the result you want, right? stay cool, and look how good he treats you before you decide.

Moreover, promise doesn't mean anything, you would appreciate it if you got it from who you like, but not to be obsessed by what he promised you. Since now you are not sure who you like more, why don't you just take a step back and work out as a friend with both?! Why MUST you get a boyfriend by now? I don't know how deep you fall for him, but an absurd change of a relationship would ruin everything, trust me! May be you can wait till he has some different feeling, if you really eager to confess, wait for the right moment!

QUOTE: xx 原來應該係賤人, 知有人追就拖住人, 同埋好假!
I don't really think so, since you don't know how much she likes him, and so you can't judge if she's dragging his feet! And it is unfair to say so. Just because you know T, you think he's good, and the stranger xx is bad? no way! For xx and T, you have no idea how much they like each other, only their ownself can make a decision for their relationship. Most girl would be proud of being liked by some other guys, but it doesn't mean that she has to like him in return, nor she has to clear up her mind that she doesn't like him and reject him! They barely know each other, so probably they (or she) wanna take some time to think about it. She's not 假or賤, everybody would be cautious when talking about love and relationship, so just don't put your bias on their relationship, be mature,OK? :)
參考: me

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