
2006-12-22 8:25 am
這是我的出生年月日(國曆)1978年6月21日下午 17 點 57 分出生的。

我想問什麼時候才會有桃花?身邊有交情淺淺的男性朋友,但僅止於朋友而已。可是我一直都沒有人追~但只要是剛認識的朋友都會跟我說:你看起來很多人追。不然就是:你怎麼可能沒有男朋友,看起來就是有男朋友的臉!再不然就是:你長這樣,應該不少人追吧!為什麼不交男朋友?鳴鳴~你們都冤枉我了啦~ 我真的沒有人追!!也沒有男朋友啦~~><

請大師幫我算一算,姻緣跟桃花什麼時候才會有? 謝謝!

回答 (2)

2006-12-22 3:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Gemini sometimes like to show the beauty of themself to the others, most tend to dress up either properly or trendy. That could be the reason why -剛認識的朋友都會跟你說你看起來很多人追-. But that doesn't mean that people you've met are all guys of your fate. Your fate sometimes base on luck, but mostly due to your attitude you treat people. A lot of times guys tell you what they think in a softer way, imagine: guys said: 你看起來很多人追 = you are too out going, so you're not my type. (If he really likes you and wants you to be his gf, he will treat you good and start wooing instead of complaining your popularity). 你怎麼可能沒有男朋友,看起來就是有男朋友的臉 = You look too pretty to be my gf, make me feel so insecure if later you are going to dumb me, because you deserve a better guy. (BULL SHlT, an excuse that he doesnot like you enough because of your fault, it sounds just right to you and could you feel like you like him, then he will take it until the relationship is broken, because you ask for it, you take the risk). 應該不少人追吧!為什麼不交男朋友 = You must be too picky for finding your boyfriend or you must have a high standard. That is why you are still alone. There must be something...

Well...mention that not all people say what they think about you, unless they know you very well or they try to chase you. But when they do so, they will sound very good always, just the meaning you never know if it's as good as they sound. Hmm... I mean, open up your eyes wide to see who's treating you good and who you have feeling for. Sort them out and spend more time with them and see if you guys can get together.

According to your 紫微命格, your 命宮主星 are 紫微貪狼, that means you are loyal and socialize. Keep in mind that your loyal outfit and socializing skill will drift away many guys, since they treat you like Venus while idolizing you would not help getting along with you or to be your love ones. Consider that and try to act a bit different in front of people you are interested in, and make them think that you are a kind and pretty woman they want to stay with, not too strong or too ideal, then they will figure out a way to approach you.

Very likely you want someone better than you, down to earth, who has ambition and future plan ahead. But eventually you might find a guy who's very stablize and a mature. But so what? No matter I am right or wrong, a good relationship depends on how you maintain it, it's not something about fate, it's your effort and attitude. I found my first boyfriend after 25, not the fate to maintain the love between us, but how we treat each other. I'm a gemini too, came from a girl's secondary school, people thought that I am too 8 too smart too talkative or too knowledgable for their excuses, still I missed out a couple of chances to make a boyfriend because I just let it slide. I don't believe that you had never been liked by the opposite sex over the 28 years, so possibly you never loop up to a guy close to you when they liked you. Think and think what do you want most?
DO YOU WANT A BOYFRIEND just because you are lonely, so you want someone to be with you? or you want them just because you never had one, or better of all, he is someone you feel for him. I think it's not bad to know some more friends and get together if you like him, since you know more once you do so, it's not something that can be taught by textbook or someone elses' mouth. You have to learn how to maintain a good relationship by yourself with a specific person. A good way is to be cautious and think on your own, get to know what you want, probably dun have to bother what people say, determine it by yourself. Guys are everywhere, but not everyone suitable for you. You have to search it out. Fate will not help(may be telling you that you're easily meeting up new guys and friends in several years, but it never tells which one is the guy of your fate!) Believe in your intuition and open up your eyes to the surroundings. GOOD LUCK!
參考: ME
2015-11-14 7:46 pm

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