I hear voices in my head but they are in Spanish?

2006-12-21 12:46 pm
I don't understand Spanish so I don't know what they are saying. Is there a way to translate it?

回答 (11)

2006-12-21 12:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
so they finally moved into your neighborhood too?
2006-12-21 12:56 pm
Maybe you should see a psychiatrist. Some people think seing a psychiatrist means your crazy but it s so not true.. People who go to thjem only mean that they need help.. and all people need help in one way or another... hearing voices on your head are kinda weird how does it feel like... are you scared of it?? Tell a specialist it will surely help... P.s. Find a spanish one
2006-12-21 5:55 pm
Rip off more stand-up comedy bits, it really makes you cool.
2006-12-21 2:05 pm
are you SURE you hear voices? because this might be one of the symptons of schizophrenia. don't panic , check with a psychiatrist.
2006-12-21 1:52 pm
yes find out if you have DID, then have one of the other people from within translate it for you.

some part of you must know what is being said cause you are hearing the voices in you head.
2006-12-21 1:02 pm
learn Spanish. Meantime, try this. Have a tape recorder handy and just repeat what you hear while taping. Get someone who does speak the language and have them translate.
2006-12-21 12:58 pm
maybe u should try babelfish or altavista translators.
2006-12-21 12:54 pm
How come you think is Spanish if you don't 'know a word .
2006-12-21 12:49 pm
no. but that is kinda creepy..maybe it's jibberish or something???

maybe you ought to see a priest..?? jk jk
2006-12-21 12:48 pm
Place a recording device in your ear and send the recording to a translator -- duh!

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