
2006-12-22 7:55 am
can you tell me where can to buy this one!?

can you listen to me now!?



仲有好唔明果d have do係有幾多種解釋

回答 (5)

2006-12-22 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Would you mind telling me where did you get this?

Can you first listen to me?

Actually my English speaking skills is not that good!

Simple English sentence should have: Noun, verb and subject
參考: me
2006-12-23 8:16 pm
1.Could you tell me where you bought it?
2.Can you listen to me first?
3.Actually I can't speak fluent english.

假若你英文真係唔太好, 我只會同你講, 英文最基本既句式係:

Object(主語) + Verb(動詞) (+Subject(賓語))
e.g. I sing (a song) <-----'I sing' 其實已是完整句子
(obj.) (verb) (article) (sub.)

'英文'基本係好公式化, 只要你能夠熟讀文法, 根本就唔會有咁多不必要既疑惑/混淆, 好似你問'你有無食早餐?'係用have定do做開頭,問題係在於你用咩tense, 如下

Do you have breadfast? (present tense)
Did you have breadfast? (past tense)
Have you had breadfast? (present perfect tense)

想開風扇就應講'May I turn on the fan?'

在此我唔會對你既問題詳細解釋任何野,直接答你既問題都只能應你既燃眉之急, 因為你既英文基礎實在打得唔好, 逐一解答你既問題根本無幫助, 解決既辦法就係你要重頭黎過, 熟讀文法!
2006-12-22 8:02 pm
1. 以上三個回應都犯了同一毛病,就是把relative clause寫成疑問句。
Could you tell me something?
Could you tell me [where you bought that]?
where在句中是扮演relative clause pronoun的角色,relative clause本身一定是直述句(affirmative sentence)。

Where did you buy that?
Could you tell me where you bought that?

Why did you do that?
Could you tell me why you did that?

What is that for?
Could you tell me what that is for?

你的問題可以問作:Could you tell me where you bought this item?

2. Could you first listen to me? / Could you please listen to me first?

3. Actually my English is not too good.

4. 基本來說句子至少要有一個主詞和一個動詞,如:I sing. 如果動詞要求有賓語的話,那麼句子就多一個賓語:I ride a bicycle. 其他加上去的都會是附加意思的(如形容詞或副詞)或連接意思的(連接詞)。

5. Have you had breakfast yet? Did you eat breakfast?

6. I would like to turn on the fan, please.
2006-12-22 2:17 pm
Would you please tell me where did you buy this? (Use " would " is more polite than " could " or " can ". And don't forget to add " please " for formal and polite questions.)

Would/could you please listen to me first? (Assuming this is in an argument. Use " would " if the person you're speaking to is in a clam situation; or you may use " could " if he/she is getting mad and the word " could " is to tell him/her to cool down a little.)

- Actually/honestly, my English is not very well.
- Excuse me for my poor English.

English sentence could be very complicated. The simplest one should consist of: subject, verb and object.
Example: I am a boy. " I " is the subject, " am " is the verb and " boy " is the object (noun). (This kind of construction is called " simple sentence ".)

Did you have breakfast (this morning)? (Use " did " because the person you're asking had eaten the breakfast already, or he/she did not eat anything in the past. " have " means " eat ".

If you (students) are allowed to do that: May I turn/switch on the fan please? (Always use " May I........ " when asking teachers for something in a polite way.)
If you (students) are not allowed to do that: May I have the fan turned on please? (Means you ask the teacher if he/she would turn on the fan for you.)

*Read more and work hard! You'll have great improvement!
2006-12-22 10:05 am
1. 可唔可以話比我聽你依樣野係邊到買架!?
Could you tell me where did you buy this ?
Could you please listen to me first?
Actually I don't speak English very well.
你有冇食早餐!?Have you had breakfast?
我想開風扇. Could we turn on the fan please?

句式問題, 三言兩語又點講得清? 簡單來講, 英文句式其中最基本是subject + verb + object (SVO), 但當中變化好多, 有d部份可以省略, 例如 SV 都可以. 複雜D, 各個部份都可以擴展, 按時態修飾動詞, 用形容詞修飾名詞等等.

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