
2006-12-22 4:55 am
西片成日有""隨便你""的sentences,但係我聽到類似""be my guess" 既音,咁其實係咩呢?

回答 (4)

2006-12-22 4:58 am
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可以話"UP TO YOU"
2006-12-22 2:48 pm
be my guest (應該係咁串,唔係guess)的中文解釋係""隨便你"",我唔係好識用中文去解釋這個term,英文就同"Feel free"的用法差不多。

例如︰May I borrow your car? Sure, be my guest.
Do you mind if I go to the play without you? No, be my guest.
2006-12-22 10:03 am
I guess it depends on what situation you are in. Say for a group of people trying to make a decision and ask for your opinion and you really have no idea and don't mind whatever decision being made, u might say, *up to you...have whatever u guys want!*

but sometimes, *up to you* can means more than 隨便你. For example, your team is in a competition, and u are the last to go for whatever you guys are doing la, the one before you may say *it's all up to you now!* by this it means *而家*靠*曬*你啦! (sorry for my poor Chinese!)

*be my guess* usually will be used in a party, where the 主人家 will say to all the guess, *relax and be my guess* to certain extent you can say this means 隨便你, but I think what it really means is that they want you to have a good time and enjoy yourself, don't be to tie up...

but sometimes ppl do use *be my guess* for 隨便你...umm...I should say...o..i know....give u an example...

when you want to do something, say...in the middle of a gathering with someone that's not too close to you, ur phone starts to ring, u want to answer the phone but worries that might be impolite to do so, the other party might say "be my guess* meaning go ahead and do what you want, don't worry about it....something like that la.....

am I making u more confuse than b4???
2006-12-22 5:02 am
隨便你 - it is "up to you"

not "be my guess"
It should be "be my guest" 即做我的朋友, 所以可以解 隨便你,自由活動啦

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