在香港如何或 which Bank 可購買法國股票?

2006-12-22 2:56 am
在香港如何或 which Bank可購買法國股票?

How can an investor in hong kong purchase stocks and shares listed on the French stocks market ?

回答 (3)

2006-12-22 4:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Can you speak french ?

this company maybe can help you 購買法國股票 and see the french stocks market by internet : http://www.boursorama.com/

itself in 法國股票 market, see it result; http://www.boursorama.com/cours.phtml?symbole=1rPBRS

2006-12-21 21:04:14 補充:
i dont know why you are interested in french stocks market... because France is a social country. the french government invest and invert ( too much) in the market. and CAC40 now is 5,500 p , ( 4,000p in 12/2005).anyway, i am not a big knowner.
參考: frenchhkman
2006-12-29 11:59 pm
除非你是私人的客戶消費者, 鉛丹 USD 一百萬

瑞士的銀行公司和 Banque Indosuez 有如此的服務。
2006-12-22 4:31 am
Unless you are Private Client Customer, minium USD 1.0 Million
Swiss Bank Corp and Banque Indosuez have such service.
Otherwise Schrolders or Fidelity Inv.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:17:43
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