" 唔係架! 唔係架! 耶神不是假架! "

2006-12-21 11:52 pm
啊! 千百年來,聖經的內容一點也無變過.但人的心卻變化不定.
就算十分堅定的信徒,心裏面也不斷出現"唔係架! 唔係架! 耶神不是假架!"


To gazette_antipop: 講得好!


To Maggie ^-^ : 請你不要為反問而去明知故問,現在科學都巳證實地球要億萬年才完成, 就算不是,也肯定没有可能六日內完成吧.我本身不喜歡copy其他文章, 但你又係都要我攞出證據,那你可到www.xys.org/pages/christianity.html 去看看,尤其是方舟子的文章.等你看完才說好吧. 還有不要比電郵我,因我很少開這個郵址來看. 祝你早日悟道!

回答 (2)

2006-12-22 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do I think you are right? No.

My comment for ur claim? Narrow-minded, ignorant.

Yes nowadays it is 科學發達. But we are talking about science at this very moment. I am sure 1000 yrs later ppl would think the technology we now have is very behind. When I was in elementary school, I was taught that Pluto was the ninth planet from the Sun. But now, it is a dwarf planet. Like 憐泯那些教徒, are you feeling sorry for those who died believing that Pluto was the 9th planet, not a drawf planet? All I am saying is please at least make an attempt to keep your mind open and do not take what you have learned as the absolute truth. Instead of being stuck in 中世紀, Christians nowadays still go to school, receive high education, adopt to the environment, and keep up with advanced technology. There are scientists, doctors, engineers, accountants, CEOs, scholors and etc etc who are experts in their professions and Christians. If you don't know any, I can name you some. We can see that it is simply not true that Christians are scientifically ignorant or 好似扮唔知 in your own words. From what you have said, it is clear that you believe in 地球要億萬年才完成, have you done anything to testify it? If you have not done that yet, why are you so sure? Because your teachers taught you? Because you read it from books? Then how are you different from Christians who believed in 地心說 just because their priests told them or they somehow read it from the Bible? (It was their own person interpretation of the Bible; they cannot represent the Bible, the religion, or God)

Let me wrap this up with a classic Chinese philosophical question from 莊子. How do you know or how can you tell if you really are who you think you are? Maybe you are living in a dream? Maybe you are living in the Matrix? Can you ever prove to people (imaginary people maybe) that you are not living in the Matrix? Are you really who you claimed you are? (I like Daoism and I learned about Confucius, Mencius, Laozi and Zhuangzi in a humanity class from my professor (a Taichi Teacher too~!) who is a Caucasian person. Apparently we overseas Chinese people don't really know much about our stuff... just can't take our heritage for granted) Just because you are incapable of comprehending certain information doesn't make the information invalid. The truth or fact won't change just because you refuse to acknowledge them. Anyhow, what seems to be logical to you doesn't mean it has to be the ultimate answer. What seems to be true for many people doesn't make it the truth. You are not us; how do you know our 靈魂也受著悲怒之火燃燒? u have special power that you can read people's mind and you can communicate with souls? But of course, this is just what you say, it doesn't have to be true.

Best of luck.

2006-12-23 16:15:29 補充:
again you are talking about the science NOWADAYS. How did 現在科學證實地球要億萬年才完成? u don't think FUTURE science can do even better? as i said, science does NOT = absolute truth. It progresses with people's knowledge and understanding.

2006-12-23 16:23:26 補充:
RE:肯定没有可能六日內完成to you it may not. Just like there's no way I can prepare Christmas dinner in less than 6 hrs but head chef can. That's why He is God, not you. I guess the problem here is ppl are capable to believe only what they are capable of understanding. FAITH is beyond that.

2006-12-23 16:34:41 補充:
RE: 但你又係都要我攞出證據...等你看完才說好吧. Why do u want me to read it? Coz u think it's true? You wrote it? You have proven it? Why are you so sure? Coz they make sense to you? So things don't make sense to u can't be true? You know, questioning does not = denying.

2006-12-23 16:46:18 補充:
http://www.rbc.org/bible_study/discovery_series/topics/437.aspxThere's booklets about ET, dinosaurs, Da Vinci Code...Enjoy
2006-12-22 7:17 am

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