化學 essay

2006-12-21 11:47 pm
點樣先可以寫好一篇 essay ?

回答 (1)

2006-12-22 5:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
The essential point in writing a good essay is to setup a set of questions and answer them systematically, 建立和系統地回答一系列問題e.g.
What is it?' (deffinition定義 & meaning意思)
Why is it important?' (applications應用)
How to obtain it? (state the experimental details with precautions實驗及注意事項)
When to use it? (limitations限制)
Where to apply it? (examples舉例)
In general, 4 essential parts are needed in an essay (each of these parts may consist of 1 or more paragraphs)
1. Introduction引言
2. Details細節
3. Applications & Examples應用和舉例
4. Conclusion結論
1. Be concise簡潔
2. Be structured有結構
3. Never use undefined symbols不用未定義的符號
4. Better use table for comparison用表比較
參考: 名師筆記

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