PA quiz question!

2006-12-21 9:49 pm
因為不清楚閣下的e-mail,所以不能夠用micro soft word打呢~
Mr Simon Chan started a business on 1 Jan 2006.

Jan 1 Simon Chan opened a business bank a/c by transferring $40000 from his saving a/c.
Jan 1 paid monthly rent of $8000 to Baxton & co
Jan 1 bought furniture by cheque $6000
Jan 5 purchased a typewriter by cheque ,$2160
Jan 8 purchased merchandise on credit from J Marney costing $3720
Jan 11 Purchased an electronic dictionary by cheque,$1543

Jan 15 Sold merchandise to Kim Lister $5600 on credit. Jan 17 purchased merchandise on credit from B Gillies & co $2000 Jan 19 purchased merchandise on credit from J Marney, $1050 Jan 21 sold merchandise to Alfred on credit,$4200 Jan 22 paid J Marney $2070 for merchandise purchased.


Jan 24 sold merchandise on credit to Frankie.$4900 Jan 27 settled the amount due to B Gillies & co by cheque Jan 28 sold merchandise on credit to James $2857 Jan 29 purchased merchandise on credit from Jones costing $1768


Jan 30 paid part-time wages of $2500 as well as an electricity bill of $432 Jan 30 Simon chan took merchandise costing $ 500 for private use. All payments were made by cheque, Simon chan brought a computer costing $12620 into the business from his home on 31 Jan 2006.


Stock at 31 jan 2006 was valued at cost $ 3718 Required: 1. record the above transactions in these day bk purchases, sales , cash bk 2. post the amount from the day bk to the ledger a/c i nthe general ledger, bal. off ledger a/c & show the transfer to the trading & profit & loss a/c.


3. prepare Simon chan's trading & profit & loss a/c for the month ended 31 jan 2006 4. prepare a balance sheet as at that date *打得好辛苦,仲因為字數太多,要不斷補充,好煩,懇請 梧桐雨賜教*

回答 (2)

2006-12-24 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
第2題:post the amount from the day bk to the ledger a/c i nthe general ledger, bal. off ledger a/c & show the transfer to the trading & profit & loss a/c.
中文翻譯:將Daybook的數字帶到Ledger a/c (即T-a/c),並顯示把將數目帶到Trading & Profit & Loss a/c。
閣下不明白後面show the transfer to the trading & profit & loss a/c. 的步驟,我將在下面進行解說。
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
在開完所有的T-account後,就要根據每個不同account的性質去進行數目的轉移。Trading account是計算貨物交易的收支情況的一個表,目的是計算出買賣貨物後公司得到的盈利(Gross Profit);Profit and Loss account是計算公司所有收入和支出的情況,再比較收入和支出後就會得出公司的純利/虧損(Net Profit/Net Loss)。
每個T account在年終結算時/每月結算時,都要Balanced(即令Dr & Cr sides數目相等,以關閉T-account)。我們會根據T-account的性質去判斷會用哪種方法平衡那個T-account.
所有Assets/Capital/Liabilities的數目會直接帶到下一年/下一月,故會以Bal c/d(Balance carried down)顯示;所有Income/Expense則會年年清,所以就要輸送到Profit & Loss a/c去協助計算公司利潤/虧損。
**要Transfer到Trading 的只有Purchases和Sales兩個a/c的總數。
1 Jan Bank 8000   | 31 Jan Profit and Loss 8000
紅色的就是所要求的show the transfer to the trading & profit & loss a/c.
(正常屬expense的T-account,Dr side大於Cr side,故為了平衡這個a/c,就會在Cr將Dr的總數傳送到去P&L a/c作計算賺蝕之用。)
若要以Double Entry方式表示,步驟如下:
1 Jan Dr Rent ; Cr Bank
31 Jan Dr Profit and Loss ; Cr Rent

           Jones (Creditor)(Liabilities)
31 Jan Bal c/d 1768   | 29 Jan Purchases 1768
由於債務是長久的,故要Bal c/d到下一年繼續記錄。

8 Jan J Marney  3720   |30 Jan Drawing  500
17 Jan B Gillies & co 2000   |31 Jan Trading   8038
19 Jan J Marney  1050   |
29 Jan Jones    1768   |
          -----            -----
         8538              8538
紅色的就是所要求的show the transfer to the trading & profit & loss a/c.
參考: 梧桐雨作品,不得抄襲。
2006-12-21 10:53 pm
係呢度好難話比你知答案, 但其實你識唔識double entry(即Dr/Cr)既概念?例如: 1月1日 Dr:Bank Cr: Capital ...double entry係會計入面可以話係最重要既概念. 如果你連呢個概念都唔識既話, 呢題數你唔駛再做落去.做呢D數有個方法.首先, 諗下每個交易既double entry係咩.然後, 依題目所示, 開佢要求既day book. (你應該知道每本簿應該點開, 唔明可以睇書.)之後, 再根據你既double entry開唔同既T account, 之後再根據dr/cr入帳.然後, 將要入落T P/L既數transfer去trading and profit and loss account.(方法就係Dr/Cr: Trading/Profit and loss Cr/Dr: Revenue/Expenses a/c)之後再做balance sheet.

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