2006-12-21 8:50 pm
我想問PC SUITE 既SUITE..英文點讀???
我查發音字典佢讀音差不多係SWEET 甘讀法~~

回答 (6)

2006-12-22 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Technically, SUITE isn't even English. It's French. It's one of these "borrowed words" from other foreign languages that are "borrowed" and placed in the English vocabulary. So it sould be pronounced in the French way, ie. like SWEET, not SUIT (in English the E is ignored).
2006-12-22 4:37 am
Yes, same as SWEET
2006-12-21 9:22 pm
sweet is correct.
2006-12-21 8:55 pm
2006-12-21 8:53 pm
2006-12-21 8:53 pm
yes, like "sweet", 酒店用解作"套房"

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