
2006-12-21 8:07 pm

回答 (9)

2006-12-21 8:23 pm
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well you know, it really depends on how you look at it

according to the Bible, being rich is a Grace from God. Human nature being what it is, nobody wants to give up stuffs that they own, because we're all greedy and selfish, but some people are just 'outside the box' and can't stand seeing crisis.

this question can be answer simply by logic, people with faith do it either because they wanted to recive salvation afterlife or they really wanted to help needy people. who knows, there might be some people who just their everything to help the world, and there are also many people who just help according to their financial abilities. But either way, its helping people; its not of the amount but of the heart.

in the world, not only people with faith help others, red cross isn't even a christianity based organiztion, yet they help millions of people everyday.

2006-12-21 12:25:15 補充:
in my opinion, if giving up my everyting would do a significant to something, i would do it. it might seem stupid to people, but sitting down in a chair and typing on this computer with internet, I consider myself very lucky, beacuse I don't even deserve this.

2006-12-21 12:26:41 補充:
act accordingly to your moral, because thats the most important thing. what if you were jesus? would you still die for the sins of the humanities? although im not a religious person, his a graet guy to look at
2006-12-31 2:01 am
參考: me
2006-12-21 11:29 pm
福音的精神是使人自由的,不是要用一些規條、底線去迫人做一些 ((好事)) !
2006-12-21 9:06 pm
瑪拉基書 3:10「萬軍之耶和華說:你們要將當納的十分之一全然送入倉庫,使我家有糧,以此試試我,是否為你們敞開天上的窗戶,傾福與你們,甚至無處可容。」

另一方面,羅馬當時的稅務是經由投標式下放去執行。獲選的稅吏長(publicani) 其任期可長達數年之久,是以先繳付的方式,填上預收的總數。然後才到所屬地方,實行收稅的工作。故此,一般來說,為了自身的利益,稅吏是多方多收,然後吞沒餘款。
從路加福音3:12-13,有稅吏悔改,施洗約翰說: “除了規定的以外,不可多收。” 這是說明了是有文明的規定,既是這樣,一般稅吏又怎可多收呢?
2006-12-21 8:36 pm
你可以看看雅各書, 只是這本書差點給馬丁路德刪去,
2006-12-21 8:32 pm
而真係有信徒會咁做, 但係唔係個個都得,
我認識有些基督徒, 在工作上有一定的專業資格,
但為了幫助有需要人, 放棄了那份工作,
進入落後的東南亞地區幫手建設, 開孤兒院等,

如果自問信心夠既話, 相信神是一位有充足供應既神,

咁樣只會使缺乏信心的人跌倒, 那樣反而不好呢~~
參考: 愚見
2006-12-21 8:17 pm
我不是信徒, 不過我個人的意見, 做每件事都要有底線, 幫人是一件好事, 但過份就可能有負面的影響. 而且做幫人的事, 你慢慢地去幫, 不是一次就夠了, 而是慢慢, 安需要地去幫, 如果你散儘家財, 萬一你有事, 就變成自行制做多一個問題, 所以量力以為是比較恰當.
參考: 個人意見
2006-12-21 8:17 pm
2006-12-21 8:16 pm
作為一個有理性信徒, 都不應該作出以上的行為, 那豈不是自己都成了窮人嗎?

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