中- 英 with perfect grammar, please!

2006-12-21 5:53 pm
我今早收到你們的來電,知道你們負責見我那位職員sick leave,所以cancel左個interview.
如果在及後時間公司還對我有興趣的話,please don't hesitate to call me again,我很樂意

note: no 譯網, 唔好亂改

回答 (4)

2006-12-22 1:42 am
I received your incoming telegram this morning, know you is it see I the staff member sick leave to responsible for, so cancel left pieces of interview.
If in and after last about me, please don't hesitate to call me again, I am very happy
Come up at any time and interview.
2006-12-21 6:16 pm
Refer to your call in the morning, I know that the interviewer was taken a sick leave today, and hence, my interview was cancelled.

It would be grateful if I were given a chance for an interview later to further describe my suitability for the required position. Please don't hesitate to contact my cell phone at +852 xxxxxxxx or my email at [email protected] at your convenience. I am always willing to match up with your arrangement.

2006-12-21 10:23:15 補充:
你個tone 一定要好有禮貌, 同埋係對上級的tone, 我唔知你封信 or email 入面仲有無其他野寫, 你可以post 出黎, 我幫你睇睇grammer 都得希望幫到你
2006-12-21 6:07 pm
I got your call this morning, i had notice that the staff who requires to meet me are sick and therefore the interview has been cancel.

Please arrange me another interview, i really interested and willing to come at any time future.

hope 佢請你啦 : D
2006-12-21 6:01 pm
This morning I receive yourincoming telegram,knew you responsibly see my staff member sick leave,Therefore cancel left interview.
If also has interest in and the latter time company to me,please don't hesitate to call me again,I am glad to come up as necessary very much interview.

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