STILA cosmetics counter in Hong Kong

2006-12-21 11:34 am
is there a Stila counter in Timesquare's Lane Crawford?

or are there any Stila counters elsewhere in Hong Kong?

i know some ppl say that there's one in Facess but that should be BLOOM not STILA

i usually get their products from England and they are so much more expensive


回答 (4)

2006-12-21 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
而家已經冇Stila counter 喺香港了。

以下綱址都有佢地d 資料,但係好唔好彩佢地都冇overseas shipping 服務。only 寄到USA & 加拿大的地址。

咁如果想買只有睇吓有冇fd在美國or 加拿大了。
2017-01-19 5:04 pm
Stila Hong Kong
2006-12-21 10:49 pm
Stila was the brand under Estee Lauder before & it was sold to another group which has no branch in H.K. There is no more Stila counter in Hong Kong now !

You can buy the prouducts at other countries such as Japan , Taiwan , Canada , USA , Thailand etc.

You may search the store locations as below :
參考: Stila
2006-12-21 5:09 pm
STILA早幾年已經完全撤出香港,現在已經沒有Stila counter響香港了,只能於網上訂購
參考: 自己

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