
2006-12-21 10:50 am
想問“bb計劃" 裡面古天樂架ferrari係咩型號?


回答 (2)

2006-12-22 1:47 am
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個部係Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano

被譽為取替575M車系的全新Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano,一如Enzo及F430,外形由意大利PININFARINA操刀設計,底盤則取自612 Scaglietti,加上鋁合金製造的車身及與Enzo如出一轍的6.0公升V12引擎,可迸發出高達620匹強橫馬力,輕踩一腳,其0~100km/h僅3.7秒的加速能力,感覺恍如飛一樣!


試駕時,599 GTB Fiorano的起動及加速力十分驚人,踩深油門一刻,強大的貼背拉力即時湧現,一看轉數錶,原來瞬間已越過8,000轉,速度亦超過了100km/h,599 GTB Fiorano確實以不用4秒的時間完成0~100km/h的加速任務,很難想像若然盡油拖波加速會如何!這無疑也歸功於車體及底盤結構上採用了大量鋁合金材料,令車重僅得1,580kg。

另外,藉悅目的流線外形及出色的空氣力學設計,新車的風阻系數僅為0.336Cd,而車尾下方的分流器則可將底盤的空氣迅速導出,當跑車以300km/h疾駛時,可產生160kg的下壓力,令車身更穩定;至於首度引入的SCM電磁可調式懸掛系統,可按行車狀況自動調整懸掛軟硬度,令跑車更適合當前的路況;再連同20吋大直徑合金輪圈及高性能跑車輪胎的輔助,令599 GTB Fiorano具備更高穩定性,要貼切地形容駕駛感受,「貼地飛行」四字當之無愧。


對於沒開過法拉利跑車的人而言,駕駛它既是一件輕鬆的事情,也不是一件輕鬆的事情。說輕鬆,是因為它非常容易操控,將波箱模式設定至自動,然後你所要做的就是控制住油門和穩車子;說不輕鬆,是因為此車性能優良,加上非常接近F1的換檔方式,實在有需要細細體會。599 GTB Fiorano確實是一部街道版一級方程式,想將其全部實力發揮出來,就需要孜孜不倦地練習,但最困難的是要找一個合適的場地!


採用599為名字,原因是引擎排氣量為5,999c.c.,而GTB則代表以往275GTB、365GTB4車系的延續。599 GTB Fiorano採用的前中置引擎設計,能達到前後輪配重50:50的理想比例,當轉速達到7,600rpm時,動力將達到最大的620匹,配合全新六前速半自動波箱及Manettino電子差速器,不但0~100km/h僅需3.7秒,0~200km/h也只需11秒,要跟風雨競逐又有何難?


引   擎:V12

容   積:5,999c.c.



傳   動:六前速F1加減波

懸   掛:SCM電磁可調式

車   長:4,665×1,962×1,336mm(長×闊×高)

輪   距:2,750mm

車   重:1,580kg 0~100km/h:3.7秒

極   速:330km/h以上

輪   胎:(前)245/35ZR20(後)305/35ZR20
2006-12-22 12:49 am
No!係Ferrari 599 GTB

2006-12-23 19:57:02 補充:
Ferrari today took the wraps off of its pentagram-wheeled 599 GTB Fiorano, which replaces the 575M Maranello.

2006-12-23 19:58:22 補充:
The Fiorano gets the new, six-liter V12 Ferrari’s had in the lab for several years, working out how to wring 620 hp (at 7,600 rpm) from thousands of what appears to be haphazardly placed metallic parts.

2006-12-23 19:58:50 補充:
It also rides atop a new, all-aluminum space frame, developed in partnership with Alcoa, the lightness of which helps give the 599 a zero-to-60 time of 3.7 seconds (though the SuperFast F1 gearbox offers considerable assistance as well).

2006-12-23 19:59:29 補充:
It also has a magnetoheological suspension system, which adjusts the dampers by applying an electronically controlled magnetic field, kind of like a levitating Maglev train.

2006-12-23 19:59:50 補充:
Fiorano after the circuit Ferrari uses to hone the performance of its track and road cars; GTB as in Gran Turismo Berlinetta after the most famous Ferrari berlinettas ever built; and 599 to reflect the displacement of its V12 engine divided by 10.

2006-12-23 20:00:03 補充:
The stunning new all-aluminum two-seater that Ferrari is unveiling at the 2006 Geneva Motor Show is summed up rather succinctly by its own name and delivers everything that this promises. The Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano, in fact, sets a new benchmark of excellence in the sport car world.

2006-12-23 20:01:10 補充:
規格表引   擎:V12容   積:5,999c.c.最大馬力:620hp/7,600rpm最大扭力:62kgm/5,600rpm傳   動:六前速F1加減波懸   掛:SCM電磁可調式車   長:4,665×1,962×1,336mm(長×闊×高)輪   距:2,750mm車   重:1,580kg 0~100km/h:3.7秒極   速:330km/h以上輪   胎:(前)245/35ZR20(後)305/35ZR20

2006-12-23 20:03:10 補充:
正確說應該是Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano.

2006-12-31 11:04:23 補充:
I think my answer is the best!
參考: me

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