
2006-12-21 8:52 am
想問下信和中心地下ge seiko 錶是否水貨

回答 (1)

2006-12-26 11:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
I buy for my bf seiko not in here , we have a 盒子 and gurantat card
because if it is not 水貨, if u want to repair to watch , seiko need the card to show for them . they don't see anything , just need the gurantant card .
when u show the cards , seiko must help u to repair , but if u don't have they will not help u to do anything for your seiko watch .and you must go to seiko expert center to repairing by yourself.
I buy a watch in mk near sino plaza (not seiko watch)
I have box but no any gurantant card . the sales tell me thatT if we have problem of the watch , just take it to her shop than she will send it to repair center to repair . so my watch is 水貨.they help us to repair .
hope can help u^^
參考: myself exp

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