Pet owners, i need help... im planning to get myself a chihuahua dog...?

2006-12-20 1:49 pm
what do i need to keep in mind in choosing a good kind?
is there any exclusive treatment for this particular kind of doggie?

回答 (12)

2006-12-20 1:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, when looking at a litter make sure you get a healthy one. You want one that meets Most (if not all) of these qualifications:
*White teeth and good smelling breath (well as good as you can find) to show that he won't have dental problems
*Clear eyes, if eyes are foggy the dog will have eye problems
*Doesn't limp. you don't want a lame dog!
*Energetic, while some may just be sleepy you can never tell (unless you take a vet along with you) if the dog might have problems. Hope I helped you and welcome the new dog for me.
參考: Owner of 3 dogs and 5 cats.
2006-12-20 11:12 pm
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by exclusive treatment. But a fried of mine does have a chihuahua puppy and she has told me a few things.

Because they're so small, they're going to get cold easily. Also, there are a few health problems they're more prone to than other breeds, such as hypoglycemia. So you'll need to keep your eyes open for that.

As with other dog breeds, you'll want to make sure to get your puppy from a reputable breeder and not from a puppy mill.

Good luck with your puppy!
2006-12-20 10:52 pm
i just got myself another one.(my first one was lost by a kennel while I was on vacation) I am now in the process of suing them. I am so in love with my new puppy. They need constant attention and they are prone to low blood sugar as well as some of the other problems listed by other ppl on here. Just make sure you pick a reputable breeder. and go and look at where the puppies live and how are they raised are they raised in a home environment as part of the family or are they in a backyard sittuation two of the first most important things you must consider.They are very loving and very clingy and require alot of attention. good luck and god bless and happy holidays.
2006-12-20 10:06 pm
We have a 6 month old Chihuahua, he is a wonderful dog, but it is like having a 2 year old. If left alone they will yapp for hours. He has no independence whatsoever, and follows me from room to room. We love him very much, but these kind of dogs need constant attention. Good Luck!
2006-12-20 10:01 pm
Look at the AKC website and you can find breeders that are listed with them. Then find someone local and go visit. Look at the kennels and the dogs and, if you like what you see, proceed to choose a dog. If you don't like what you see (dirty, unkempt animals, etc) leave and go somewhere else. I highly recommend two things - 1) don't take the dog too young (less than 8 to 10 weeks) and 2) no matter how big or small the dog, they all benefit from training. Find a trainer that does behavioral training (i.e. reward, not punishment - ask your veterinarian for recommendations) and take a few classes. You'll be so much happier with a well trained and obedient dog. Have fun with your new best friend.
2006-12-20 10:01 pm
I have 2 chihuahuas. 11 years and 10 months. they need a lot of attention and are very protective of there owner. they are "lap" dogs. they love to sit with you and cuddle. They are very lovable, when I go out to do grocery shopping and come home, my babies are so happy they actually cry and kiss me. some chihuahuas are known to have seizures. thank goodness mine never did! they also need to be kept warm. because they are small and fragile. just be sure to keep up on the shots and lots of hugs and kisses!
best of luck!
2006-12-20 9:59 pm
Chihuahuas need a lot of TLC...the are clingy little critters, hence you see people taking them everywhere. Also, depending on your regional climate, you may want to invest in pup-clothes because the dogs are Mexican and will be freezing in colder temperatures. Sputnick, my friend Chihuahua, does nothing but shiver all winter long, poor little guy. Just be aware that due to their diminutive stature they come with a lot of health risks. But, they are sweet lovable dogs and I garuntee you will become disgustingly attatched to the pup! Best of luck!
2006-12-20 10:00 pm
If you are choosing a dog you always have to remember:the eyes are sparky not misty,not limping and with energy.
A Chihuahua is a very energetic kind of dog so have walks and play with it !
2006-12-20 9:59 pm
I had a chihuahua for 14 years, and my parents keep her now since I moved. She is a very well behaved dog, but I've known other Chihuahua's that were kinda mean and not good with kids. I would say in general though it has a lot to do with how you raidse them. Certain dogs will be exta nervous though, and female Chihuahua's also have a tendency to develop breast cancer, though usually not until they are 10-12 years old. This dog is not an outside dog, and needs moderate attention.
2006-12-20 10:01 pm
Because of his short nose, the Chihuahua tends to wheeze and snore. His prominent eyes are susceptible to corneal dryness and secondary glaucoma. Prone to slipped stifle, gum problems, colds, stress, and rheumatism. Don't let him lick or eat toxic products, fertilizer or chocolate. Feed lightly as it tends to gain weight. Chihuahua puppies are born with large heads, frequently necessitating cesarean deliveries by a skilled veterinarian. They are vulnerable to fractures and other accidents in puppyhood. Some of the breed have a molera, an unclosed section of the skull which can remain open throughout life. This makes the dog prone to injury.

They respond badly to negative attention, you DON"T spank them when they do something wrong, and you have to take them everywhere to socialize them, make them meet people (including children) and dogs a lot so they won't be a holy terror when it grows up.

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