在宇宙行走, 沒有了持續的動力最終會否停止行走呢?

2006-12-21 7:41 am
在宇宙行走, 沒有了持續的動力最終會否停止行走呢?

回答 (2)

2006-12-21 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 自已
2006-12-24 2:58 am
This is my comment and i did not copy from anyone, i think in the outer space if there are no another unbalanced force, the object will still stop at some time, because there are some particles outer space, it will act like air particles but in different scales, it will provide friction to the object and let it stop eventually!
This is an example, there are alot of rocks in outer space, why there are stop moving, if the sciencist said the space is from a big bang, so all the objects will be moving away from that point, but they finally stopped, so it means the object will stop after a long period of time!

2006-12-23 18:59:05 補充:
I know my comment will be a little bit sounds the same as above, but this my idea, so i am not copying from you!
參考: An engineer

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