邊個知The Happy Price 呢本書咖英文介紹````

2006-12-21 6:38 am
書名叫The Happy Prince 啊````最好就系150到200字喇```

回答 (2)

2006-12-23 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The story is from the very beginning such, some small wild swallow flies under a beautiful statue to rest, but has known this statue. Has many poor people in this city, the statue is unable to move oneself helps others, therefore this statue the magnificent gem destacking give on please the small wild swallow help her body on these need help people. Under, this statue also more and more is again and again gloomy more and more gloomily. Until finally, it because finally the body changes pitch-black, does not have the light to pick is destroyed by the people. But that only small wild swallow because also the winter too crosses coldly freezes to death again nearby the statue foot. These by this statue help people, are all not known this matter, but they all very much thank that to help them silently the person of good intention, from this time on is crossing the happy joyful day.
2006-12-22 1:39 am


The story is from the very beginning such, some small wild swallow flies under a beautiful statue to rest, but has known this statue. Has many poor people in this city, the statue is unable to move oneself helps others, therefore this statue the magnificent gem destacking give on please the small wild swallow help her body on these need help people. Under, this statue also more and more is again and again gloomy more and more gloomily. Until finally, it because finally the body changes pitch-black, does not have the light to pick is destroyed by the people. But that only small wild swallow because also the winter too crosses coldly freezes to death again nearby the statue foot. These by this statue help people, are all not known this matter, but they all very much thank that to help them silently the person of good intention, from this time on is crossing the happy joyful day.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 18:23:59
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