Company filing(company secretary)

2006-12-21 5:28 am
I heard that company filing is one of the post in the company secretary department.
Is that something like clerk, doint filing only?

Also, if one joins the company secretary department, will he be trained to do company filing first, then do other complicated tasks? (is it very rare?)

Thank you for answering

回答 (2)

2006-12-30 9:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
You may have misunderstood the term "company filing". It is not to file papers in a box file and put it in a cabinet. "company filing" in a company secretarial team means "preparing" and "submitting" all necessary company reports to government and any other authorities in accordance to requirments of laws and regulations.

If your target company is big enough to have a "company secretary department", likely it is a public company and the department is taking care of the function of public/corporate communication and/or investor relations.
參考: C How
2006-12-22 5:54 am
Company secretary是代表一間或多間有限公司的, 主要都是做filing的事, 有時去公司註冊處報資料, 有時代表公司往投票......., 總之, 是圍住公司事務轉.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:29:56
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