
2006-12-21 2:44 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-21 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
O come , all ye faithful

1.O come,all ye faithful ,
Joy-ful and tri-um-phant, O come ye ,
O come ye to Beth-le-hem,
Come and be-hold Him
born the King of an-gels ;
2.Sing, choris of an-gels, sing in ex-ulta-tion,
Sing, all ye cit-i-zens of heav'n a-bove;
Glo-ry to God In the high-est ;
3.Yea,Lord we greet Thee,
Born this hap-py morn-ing:
Je-sus to Thee be glo-ry giv'n ,
World of the Fa-ther, now in flesh ap-pear-ing;
Refrain:O come let us a-dore Him,
O come let us a-dore Him,
O come let us a-dore Him,
Christ the Lord .
參考: me
2006-12-21 3:35 am
o come all ye faithful

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