
2006-12-20 11:45 pm
1) 請問姓名?
2) 請問公司?
3) xxx 不在位置上, 請問可以留下message / 姓名 / 公司 ?

回答 (3)

2006-12-21 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)+2):may I have the company name and your name please?
3)xxx's not here, would you please leave a message with your name and company name? 如已問咗1)+2) 则祇需說:would you please/mind leave a message?即可
2006-12-21 12:24 am
1) qing wen xing ming?
2) qing wen gong si?
3)xxx bu zai wei zhi shang, qing wen ke yi liu xia dian you / xing ming / gong si?
2006-12-20 11:52 pm
1) qing wen xing ming?
2) qing wen gong si?
3)xxx bu zai wei zhi shang, qing wen ke yi liu xia message / xing ming / gong si?

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