
2006-12-20 9:57 pm
Situation :
John 和 Mary 每個禮拜都會夾錢買六合彩,今晚輪到John買。Mary 夜晚對六合彩,中左三獎(大概有三萬蚊彩金),Mary 就好開心打比John。
John 當晚就忘記買六合彩,當晚佢都知个結果,佢非常唔開心,亦都唔敢打比Mary。怎料Mary打比佢........

回答 (1)

2006-12-20 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
John: hello?
Mary: hey John! we won $30000! What should we do, wow, we should go eat a great meal!
John: er......
Mary: hey, we go get the money tomorrow ok...well, I think I will go to your place now, so so so happy!
John: No, er.... dont come. I am not ready yet.
Mary: What? I am so happy, I am coming now....
John: NO!! we didnt won!
Mary: What? What? What do you mean?
John: er....
Mary: say something, what do you mean?
John: I didnt buy the ticket......
Mary: What? Dont fool me, you did, didnt you, you are just kidding, tell me you are just kidding.
John: I am sorry, I am really sorry!
Mary: No, No, No, I dont believe you, you liar!
John: I am so sorry, I am so sorry.
Mary: Sorry? you better be!
John: Yes, I am really sorry.
Mary: well, then give me $15000 to show that you are sorry then!
(Mary hang up)

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