2008 JUPAS 可報樹仁大學嗎?

2006-12-20 9:08 pm
想問2008 jupas,可以報樹仁大學嗎?

回答 (3)

2006-12-21 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實私立大學唔一定唔比加入聯招, 公開大學今年加入聯招就是好例子.

其實樹仁會否於2008年加入聯招仍是未知之數, 一切要看校董會決定,但校監話到明唔會加入聯招, 所以樹仁入JUPAS機會唔大.呢幾年樹仁唔加入聯招既原因, 主要係覺得加入聯招之後缺乏收生自主.樹仁原意係比JUPAS唔收既人, 但係依然有心讀書既人讀書.如果樹仁加入JUPAS既話, 係要受JUPAS既限制去收生.re: kkkwong咁教院(仲未正名大學)加入聯招你又點解釋?
2006-12-20 9:55 pm
As I see that JUPAS can not apply the course that inside Shue Yan University, as I know that Shue Yan University is a private university in Hong Kong and they still not join the JUPAS, candidate have interest can direct apply their course~

also their name change to university not equal to they can join the JUPAS, one example is The Open University of Hong Kong, their name change to university several years but they join JUPAS in this year, so may be you need to wait that when they will join JUPAS la~

hope that I can answer you question la~
2006-12-20 9:32 pm

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