2006-12-20 8:23 pm
我現在16歲. 10歲時考過G3.
should i take children class or adult class....?>
if adult class....would it be any exam for me?
if children class....which grade should i take?

any school near N.T. suggested?

shall i keep my weight before went to ballet school again?

回答 (3)

2006-12-21 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your teacher will do proper assessment! Let her know your goal!
You want to do exam, right?

If she put you in Adult Class... work harder!! You still can go back to EXAM CLASS later!


Don't worry! There are so many ADULT even
over age of 18 who still do RAD GRADED EXAM in many countries.
Never be too old if you really need going back to Grade 4!
Rushing is not too good!

If your foundation and technique are solid, it will be much much helpful when you want to go further!

For doing exam and preparation in the future, it will help if you can loose weight and get back to shape.

School Choices: Jean M Wong (Shatin or Tusen Wan)

2006-12-21 13:08:51 補充:
Jean M Wong Shatin

2006-12-21 13:09:40 補充:
Ha Ha... I want to say Jean M Wong Sha Tin, NT
參考: Me - RAD Advanced 2
2006-12-22 3:41 am
國際民俗舞蹈團附設有成人芭蕾舞班,逢星期日4-5:30pm在長沙灣保安道體育館舉行,由著名芭蕾舞導師教。詳情可電8107 2026 香土風舞總會查詢
2006-12-21 8:33 am
You should take the adult class. Expend about two years for the exam.
If you take the children class, 16 may be a bit old for the G4 Exam.

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