點解straight 會解做 heterosexual o既?

2006-12-20 8:11 pm

回答 (2)

2006-12-20 9:07 pm
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用straight 來形容性傾向來自同性戀作家 GW Henry 於1941年寫的一本書,他是這樣寫的: 'to go straight is to cease homosexual practices and to indulge - usually to re-indulge - in heterosexuality'.
有go straight一詞在先,今天straight已變成異性戀的代名詞。香港人口中的直是來自英文。

2006-12-22 09:58:47 補充:
Yea, you are right. Though not so popular, bent is used in some Eurpoean countries as homosexual.I'll retract my answer soon.
2006-12-22 5:17 pm
回答者:Au revior!Auf wiedersehen! - '但攣則是港人自創,取其為直的相反詞,外国人並無類似攣意思的字去形容同性戀者。'

That's not strictly true. ' Bent ' is a slang for homosexuality, a counter-part to ' straight '.

回答者:Au revior!Auf wiedersehen!'s quote from GW Henry is most informative. Thanks!

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