to piano teachers,mom mom can you reply again

2006-12-20 5:59 pm
MOM MOM, sorry I didnt get a chance to read your reply and they took away my question due to expiration. Would you mind answer again. Concerning the students father gave me trouble and fired me. Thanks.

回答 (2)

2006-12-20 9:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Concerning the students father gave trouble to you:
This is not your fault.
There is no point to deal with the kind of parents you mentioned.His behaviour puts her child and you under great pressure during the lessons.
After all,you have done your very best to the student.
I have heard of parents giving pressure to the teachers:
e.g their children is grade 1 and they request the teacher to teach them up to grade 8 within 3 years' time
they request winning the first prize in the school music festival.A friend of mine got fired bcause his student got second place in the school music festival.
they ask the teacher to gurantee a distinction result in the grade exams.
2007-01-01 6:40 am
Most of HK parents and music teachers promote reward-orientated music programmes rather than music-orientated training - only spot on examinations and competitions rather than enjoy music.

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