[多謝指教] 英文點講?

2006-12-20 7:28 am
我最近在yahoo同d外國人打桌球 想問一下 除了 gg (good game)外
有沒有其他好像中文 [多謝指教] 的英文可以用
因為有時候個對手真係好利害 但係我又好好彩win左 打gg又好像有點不對
另外在我自己 win 和 lost 時候的說 [多謝指教] 文法上有分別嗎?
p.s D人有時打 ty 是什麼意思?

請問thank 和 thanks 有"s" 同 無 "s" 有什麼大分別嗎?

回答 (6)

2006-12-27 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
也有用英文縮寫表達感情,常用的包括LOL (laughs out loud [大笑]), GG (good game [好玩的遊戲]), TY (thank you [多謝])等。
如果想認識更多聊天符號,請檢尋 Yahoo! 目錄。


我無玩網上遊戲,不太知常用術語,但要 GOOGLE 找找也不難。下面網址便是術語字典。


win 和 lost 時候的說 [多謝指教] 文法上有分別嗎?

應無分別,也可說 NICE GAME, NICE MATCH。如果你謙虛,可說 I was just lucky.

>>請問thank 和 thanks 有"s" 同 無 "s" 有什麼大分別嗎?

Thank 是動詞,如 Thank (verb) you (obj), I want to thank you. Thanks 是 noun, 如 Many thanks. I give you my thanks.

To all those who died for this country I give you my thanks, my gratitude and my thoughts of you this Memorial Day, I’m proud of all you. May you all rest in peace and have the good rest, you deserve it. ...
extra300lx.wordpress.com/tag/uncategorized/ - 18k -

所以, 單獨用 Thank 是錯,Thanks 才是對。
2006-12-22 6:56 pm
多謝指教=Thank you for your instruct
win 和 lost 時候的說Thanks for the game
ty=Thank You or 禿鷹
2006-12-20 8:00 pm
[多謝指教] 的英文: Thanks for the lesson
win 和 lost 時候的說: Thanks for the game. (不論輸贏)
ty = thank you
參考: SELF
2006-12-20 8:19 am
Thank you for your instruct
2006-12-20 7:47 am
Thanks for your guidance
2006-12-20 7:34 am
Thanks for your guidance
至於什麼是ty,, 其實我也想知呢
參考: kimura王子

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