
2006-12-20 7:23 am
如果想寫一d 句子黎讚個阿Sir 教書好好&好鍾意上佢既堂
in english 應該點寫
P.S 佢係外國人

回答 (5)

2006-12-20 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
He is such a caring teacher who always put every student's needs ahead of his.
Apart from being very cute and witty, he is also an unparalleled speaker who takes the most arduous task----getting students amused all the time, at ease.
He is also my most respectable teacher I have ever met in my life.
His shadow, his smile, his every little gesture in the class will forever resides in my mind.

2006-12-19 23:44:56 補充:
sorry for typo:He is such a caring teacher who always putS every student's needs ahead of his.
2006-12-20 8:05 pm
I enjoy & feel proud to attend your class due to your perfect teaching technic.
2006-12-20 7:39 am
xxx(the name of your teacher), you teach well, I love your lessons.
2006-12-20 7:36 am
Your teaching is excellent. I really enjoy your class. Thank you very much.
2006-12-20 7:28 am
you teach so good and I love your lesson .

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