
2006-12-20 7:13 am
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2006-12-20 7:16 am
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當年不少外國傳教士紛紛湧入中國,沿海更甚,此傳教士常欺壓百姓,官府攝於列強淫威, 往往視而不見。終於忍無可忍,在丹陽,數百名憤怒的群眾圍攻當地教堂,并一把火將其焚燒,此就是轟動一時的"丹陽教案"。



查文清死後,留下一些家宅和田地,金庸出生時,查家還擁有三千六百多畝田租種者也有上百戶,所以其父親乃「當仁不讓」的大地主,查家富有,雇一些長,短工料理家務,金庸剛上學時,就有一名長工負責接送他,下雨的日子,此長工還抱著他上、放學.此長工是個駝子, 半身殘廢,是查文清辭官時從丹陽帶回家的,因殘疾,金庸很同情他,看到別人取笑他,就予以制止,有時還為此哭了起來,他發病時,金庸還時時到他小房子看他,拿些東西給他吃, 當時長工已是六七十歲的人了,但把少年金庸視為朋友,還將身世告訴金庸。

原來他家是開豆腐店的,當地一名財主看中他未婚妻,便出計陷害他,差人把他打成殘廢, 還把他關進牢獄兩年,其未婚妻做了財主繼室,他出獄後心懷憤怒,持刀刺了財主,又判刑入獄,查文清把他救出,此長工病死後,金庸一直很懷念他,二三十年後以他身世為素材, 寫下『連城訣』以紀念此「很親切的一位老人」。



1941年,金庸在浙江省立聯合高中就讀,當時學校辦有一個壁報,校內凡有興趣者均可自由編寫,有一天壁報前忽然擠滿人,大家爭看一篇『阿麗絲漫游記』的文章,『阿麗絲漫游記』正是金庸所寫,文中描述阿麗絲不遠千里到一所學校校園,興高采烈遨游東方世界之際.忽然一條色彩斑斕的眼鏡蛇東游西竄,吐毒舌噴毒汁,還口出狂言嚇學生:「如果... 你活的不耐煩了,我就教你永遠不得超生,...如果...」 眼鏡蛇時而到寢室,時而到教室,飯廳,操場,學生見之紛紛逃避.同學一眼便看出眼鏡蛇諷諭的是訓導主任沉乃昌,他講話常夾著『如果』二字,學生就以「如果」作其綽號. 幾天後,金庸被開除,自此,金庸轉入衢州中學就讀.

抗戰前富家子弟紛紛出國留學,學成再回國一展抱負以查家優裕家境,金庸去海外是計畫中的事.但戰爭爆發使此計畫不能實現,後來金庸憶及此事,仍頗遺憾. 「若學成回來,就很有可能當上大學教授。」對金庸來說,雖不能留學圓他的「教授夢」是不小的憾事,但也正因此變化,反使他更堅定了另一想法的追求。

2006-12-20 7:19 am
Jin Yong, old name Cha Liangyong, the ancestral home Jiangxi wuyuan, was born in February, 1924 in Zhejiang Haining county Yuan Huazhen a prominent of a scholar aristocratic family. After the Sino-Japanese War wins, Jin Yong enters Shanghai the Dong Wu University law school, afterwards arrived Hangzhou "Southeast Daily paper" to be appointed reporter, because, he the work reason knew own first wife - - birth to smelt the fragrance in middle class family Du. Soon, Jin Yong was admitted Shanghai "Da Gong Bao", is dispatched Hong Kong to hold the post the international telecommunication translation. In 1948 the autumn, Jin Yong and Du Yefen held the grand marriage ceremony in Shanghai, the bilateral guardians looked to this pile was properly matched the wedding satisfied extremely. However, Jin Yong actually restlessly in that kind abundant and mediocre life, in his heart is unable to discard throughout makes diplomat's dream, although because of at that time the special historical situation, he repeatedly suffered setbacks, has not given up individual struggle actually, rushed about continuously between inland and Hong Kong. The time steadily, he and wife's relations were more and more desolate, finally Du Yefen has fallen in love with others. In 1953, Jin Yong issued the statement in the Hong Kong newspaper, could not have a child take Du Yefen as the reason, announced divorced with her. He afterwards extremely painfully spoke such section of anxious speeches to the friend: “You love a person, wants the entire life to love her, but often cannot achieve. Is not you does not want to achieve, is you has no way to achieve. The humans affair difficult material, initially the good husbands and wives, in the future perhaps also to be able to bid good-bye ......” pass through this serious attack, Jin Yong comprehend own to be unexpectedly such poor suddenly in the emotion world, he longed for searched to one can truly the spouse who shared joys and sorrows with own.
  After half year, Jin Yong met unexpectedly one to let his life unforgetable female, she then was the Hong Kong Great Wall Film company's renowned movie star, has “Great Wall princess” and “Hong Kong Xi Shi” the name summer dream. Jin Yong to appearance not vulgar, makings lofty summer dream love at first sight, thought the true love finally arrived on oneself body. In order to often see the summer dream, Jin Yong enters the Great Wall Corporation to compile the script, Xia Meng acts the leading role " a Generation of Beautiful woman", "the Midnight Tweedle", "Has Female To be in love" and so on the screenplays all is Jin Yong completes, their cooperation is extremely successful.
  However, Jin Yong is doomed to the summer dream love only to be able to be Plato -like, because this time Xia Meng the precious flower had the host, already marries is the merchant woman, although she respects Jin Yong extremely the talent and the moral behavior, also understands him to own regard, but she is loving own husband deeply, only can regard him does the friend, therefore, Jin Yong's this section of individual loves painstakingly is doomed not to have the result. But he specially treasures this short and the beautiful love, he writes in a prose: “Associates actually with a person, the feeling is very profound. Also not necessarily must for ever and ever, although love heavy favor, but lightning -like love also has very soul-stirringly, 23 days also may arrive for 20 years.”

2006-12-19 23:22:39 補充:
The three waves to a single stroke leave “the besieged city” again this day evening, Jin Yong absentmindedly alone drink the alcohol to drown one's sorrows in a bar, brings to a female attendant's attention.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:59:59
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