Ace 波是什麼?

2006-12-20 6:37 am
網球術語中, 什麼叫Ace 波?

回答 (7)

2006-12-20 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ace 波係發球直接得分,另一方面,對手發球後,你回球時佢接唔到則叫return ace.
2006-12-21 2:00 am
Ace 波是什麼?
Ace 波是發球因角度佳或速度快而令對手的球拍觸不到來球而贏一分, 是為Ace service.
注意: 是完全觸碰不到來球才是Ace, 觸到但回不過網只是發球得分而己.
參考: SELF
2006-12-20 7:11 pm
Get the point directly from serve, the condition is your opponent cannot even touch the ball - that's ACE.

If your opponent reached the ball, but couldn't return it - that's is a non-returnable serve only.

You sometimes can find these 2 statistics in a detail tennis match report.
2006-12-20 9:00 am
ACE is a good serve,
而且你的對手連波皮都掂唔到 : ) 真架

昨天我也開到兩隻, 滿足感比對方回不到更正 : >
2006-12-20 6:43 am
2006-12-20 6:40 am
2006-12-20 6:39 am

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