Which answer is the best?

2006-12-20 4:53 am
The question is "Simplify this expression"

The question is "(24x^+8y^)/4xy"

My answer is "2(3x^+y^)/xy"
The answer in my book is "(6x^+2y^)/xy"

Which one is better?Please give me a possible answer.

回答 (6)

2006-12-20 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
if for me, i would answer "(6x^+2y^)/xy"
as the question ask me to simplify, but not factorize...
but they are both correct
2006-12-20 9:36 am
其實兩個answer 都對的~ 表示同一樣野~
但視乎你讀左 factorization未啦~
如果冇讀過,. 咁答案當然係第二個對~
但相反, 而且題目又寫明 simplify..... 咁就冇所謂~ 不過要小心 factorization 個到 "fact" 錯左啊~~

參考: 一般 marking scheme
2006-12-20 5:33 am
follow your book.

2006-12-19 21:34:57 補充:
but 2(3x^+y^)/xy is better
參考: me
2006-12-20 5:05 am
Both of them are correct but 2(3x^+y^)/xy is better.

Writing 2(3x^+y^)/xy is a good practice and good habit rather than (6x^+2y^)/xy because 2(3x^+y^)/xy is extracted all the common factors of each term.
2006-12-20 5:01 am
both are correct.
But your answer is more simple.
So your answer is better,
參考: 自己
2006-12-20 4:56 am
they are the same really but i think your is more simple

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