How to deal with people here?

2006-12-20 12:21 am
I was surprised (in a bad way) when I first found out that there are people who have so much misunderstanding and even hate toward God, Christianity and Christians so whenever I see a question that I think I am capable of answering, I take it seriously and answer them.

Yet, I have a feeling that some people here are not trying to learn and understand more about God, Christianity, church, or Christians, there are here just to attack or say stuff or being destructive... simply not meant to have a meaningful or productive conversation or dialogue.


So, what kind of attitude should we use towards questions that are not meant to be constructive? Should we disregard them so just let people say anything they want?


Should we even be involved in a situation like that (where it will lead to anger)? How exactly are we supposed to handle these questions or even the people?


To: Tom U assume no one deserves spiritual death. Christianity is the exact opposite. Everyone will die eventually; only God is able to save you from spiritual dying. Jesus was born not to 對付人, He was here to save 信他的人. (John 3:16) Guess u really need to understand better.


RE: 單手是拍不響的,我越來越明白d人點解唔鍾意基督教,連我現在都系. WHY? Please tell me what you have understood.


To: paton You still haven't answered me how to handle situation where people post questions that meant to be destructive and offensive. And I think after we die, we will see if what I believe in is right. If it isn't, what does it matter? I died anyways.


bata, thanks for the input. I found out that there were two very similar questions after I posted this question up so sorry for the duplications.

回答 (6)

2006-12-20 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
To be honest these kind of people (misunderstanding things etc) are everywhere

but theres one thing that i have to remember (myself) is that I WAS ONE OF THESE PEOPLE ONCE

this is why i kept going on and trying to clear their doubts as they are asking all these questions.

Jesus never ever ignored the people that lived in his time. He always explained everything to them, no matter how those people reacted.
This is why i wish to try to do the same to the others, just that one day i hope they will eventually understand and have to tickets to heaven.

Good luck, hope you can fight for justice and the truth with all of us!!
thank you for reading, hope to see u in heaven some day!!!

2006-12-19 23:51:28 補充:
唔係好多時間,只係想快快脆脆講一個point香港法律有終生監禁我想請問: 香港係咪一個可怕既社會? 係咪好殘暴?我第一個話: 唔係不過可能下面呢位人兄會唔同意呢唔知喎~
2006-12-27 9:37 am
Maggie ^-^

deal with people here??

Please deal with Christian all in the world first (especial HK Christian)!
2006-12-27 3:23 am
Windy : your English is terrible !
2006-12-25 11:07 am







約 15:18 「世人若恨你們,你們知道(或作:該知道),恨你們以先已經恨我了。 你們若屬世界,世界必愛屬自己的;只因你們不屬世界,乃是我從世界中揀選了你們,所以世界就恨你們。 」





有時我看見他們的問題會想起主耶穌那時不斷被人取笑,「從十字架上下來吧!」 祭司長和文士也是這樣戲弄他,彼此說:「他救了別人,不能救自己。」 又或:「我們想你行個神蹟給我們看看!」


就如經上所記: 「無故恨我的,比我頭髮還多;無理與我為仇、要把我剪除的,甚為強盛。我沒有搶奪的,要叫我償還。」 (詩 69:4) 我相信很難找到一個地方這樣受到撒但攻擊,那些人在無受任何基督徒攻擊底下自己主動找到這裏來不斷攻擊,這實在是我不能理解的事。



2006-12-26 17:53:17 補充:
Maggie,妳看不到之前那篇是很正常的。最近這裏受到"洗版"的情況越趨嚴重呢 ~
2006-12-22 9:03 pm
So happy to see a such positive question here.

Yes, I did answer some of the questions raised from attackers with my sincere and seriousness but some of them do not really want to learn. The only thing they do is to against, sneer, and prejudge us.

From my point of view, such a question, acutally I have no need to give an answer to them especially the discriminating wording appeared in some of the titles such as "Black cover book (Christians may call them to Bible) bla bla bla.....". Such a prejudge indicating that person shows no motivation to learn more about the Christianity. Oppositely, some of them are expert in Bible, they were to be a christian in the past but because the time pass, they could not find something they expected. For example they may think that God is love but why there are so much racial extermination appeared in the Bible. Also the contradiction appear everywhere in it. Finally they quit from church and to be a anti-Christ person. They have the exact answers in their mind and it is absolutely hard for us to change them. That is a reason for not answering them but I finally do answer them because of the prevention of misleading to the non-believers.

Moreover, some of them give out the speech without proof and lack of steps. They only quoted the conclusion such as "One hand is unable to make sound, I am understanding why people don't like Chriatianity...bla bla bla "... That is downright meaningless at all, as it can't bring us to have a deep discussion to understand to each other clearly.

For the attackers, the most questions they raised is the commiseration of God. They think God is not a such perfect God because He used water to kill, and take use of the Israeli to invade others. And the laws in the Old Testament are not humanistic and thoroughly non-sense. In fact, I do not the deny the feeling for those non-believers, and I partly agree that but I only say that we are not the God, God use his way to do his business. Stupid person like me, never understand it. Last but not the least, I want to give a word to those attackers "Don't give out the final judgement until you see the whole picture". Let me use one story to explain this.


There was a bear and trapped in a snare. A person passed around it. He wanted to help and wanna get it out of there.

From the point of view of the bear, there was a person apporching and it should be dangerous and raised its unfriendly signal. Later, that person discovered that there was not enough room for him to dig bigger of the exit, so he had to push the bear into the deeper position.

From the point of view of the bear, that person is killing and he was not helping at all. So the bear reacted fiercely and to roar desperately. As that person took no method to calm the bear down, so he took out his stun gun(麻醉槍) and point at the bear.

From the point of view of the bear, a gun pointed to me, I must be dead,,,, I must be dead,,,,,,,, after the bear got a shock, it became sleepy. At that time, that person could do his business smoothly and finally the bear was saved.


To conclude, don't give out the final judgement until you see the whole picture.

Life is complicated, incidents are complicated too. How do you just state that the God is bad just based on some chapters in the Bible??? From the point of view of human, God may not do perfectly because we may not understand.

Although christian also do not have the whole picture too, we don't know the final result as well. But we do trust in God, the love of God is proved by Jesus who was dead on the Crucifix and we trust He will arrange the best for each people. God do never tell lie in the Bible. That is what we are believing.

2006-12-26 21:13:22 補充:
God bless all of you.
2006-12-20 6:05 am





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