
2006-12-19 9:15 pm

回答 (4)

2006-12-19 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
樓上個位, 樹仁今日已經收到教統局通知獲准正名大學, 所以而家可以叫樹仁大學.樹仁部分設施雖然比起其他大學殘舊, 校園又唔夠人地大, 但樹仁的確係好學校.好多先生的確好願意用心教好學生, 師生關係好親密.大多數學生雖然經歷過AL失敗, 但係肯把握學習既機會.正如我老師話:「樹仁既學生係比起其他大學既學生挨得. 有D 8大學生做左幾日或者幾個月就走, 但係樹仁學生就唔係, 而且辛苦既都肯做. 呢方面的確有僱主讚賞.」仲有樣野就係樹仁有, 但係其他學校未必有, 就係校長同校監為學校既付出.當初樹仁為左堅持四年制而唔接受政府既資助, 但最後大部分課程得到學術評審局承認, 以及正名大學, 足以證明校方落左唔少心機上去. 而且校長同校監真係真金白銀投進學校, 唔會亂花錢. 就算兩老到左八十幾歲, 佢地都要堅持要處理校內事務. 呢點真係好值得大家欣賞.
2006-12-19 10:16 pm

Here is some description about Shue Yan University (In english version)

Hong Kong Shue Yan College was founded in 1971. The idea of an independent liberal arts College was first conceived in the spring of that year when Dr. Henry H. L. Hu, an ex-Legislative Councillor, and Dr. CHUNG Chi Yung, a prominent educationist, concerned over the acute shortage of college places for the local Form VI students aspiring after university education, made up their minds to establish an institution of higher learning for the benefit of the youths and in the interests of our society as a whole.

The College has begun its quest for academic accreditation as a degree granting institution in 1995. Starting from September 2001, ten degree programmes have been validated by the HKCAA. The College is working towards being the first private university in the not too distant future.

Towards the First Private University in HK
There are now ten degree programmes offered in HKSYC. We anticipate that the validation of these degree programmes will gain us further recognition and support for Shue Yan College to become Hong Kong's first private university.

4-Year Degree Programmes
HKSYC is the only education institution in Hong Kong that has insisted on offering 4-year higher education programmes for more than 30 years.

Students First
At HKSYC, we are committed to excellence in teaching. Our enthusiastic and friendly teaching staff will ensure you receive the best education possible. With the complete of the new Residential and Amenities Complex, we are more like a big cosy family.

Advantages over Associate Degree Programes
HKSYC offers degree programmes recognized by the Hong Kong Government and overseas universities. Graduates can further their study either in local or overseas institutions. An associate's degree is only an equivalence to higher diplomas and is the lowest in the hierarchy of academic degrees in North America.

Promote Chinese Culture
The Chinese meaning of Shue Yan is the cultivation of virtue. Emphasis is laid on the preservation and propagation of traditional Chinese culture and the educational ideals of Confucianism, making Shue Yan a very valuable addition to the educational matrix of Hong Kong.

Whole Person Education
HKSYC aims to promote the spirit of Humanity and the freedom of learning to provide youths with suitable environment and facility for the intensive pursuit of truth, knowledge and wisdom while making contribution to a better society.

2006-12-23 00:00:49 補充:
參考: 自己的愚見 + http://www.hksyc.edu/index.html
2006-12-19 10:05 pm
參考: 自己
2006-12-19 9:24 pm

2006-12-19 14:43:05 補充:
樹仁獲准升格為大學 (明報) 12月 19日 星期二 11:15AM 樹仁學院(相關新聞 - 網站)宣布已獲教統局(相關新聞 - 網站)通知,獲准升格為大學,成為本港首間私立大學。

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