
2006-12-19 7:44 pm
但完全唔識點SALE佢(連溝通自然D都唔識= =)
我本身英文底唔算好差..但都唔係好= =




我地呢到d婚紗係比較清雅同__ __,偏向歐洲雜誌style

同埋大家仲有冇d suggestions??..(sale佢的句子)


回答 (3)

2006-12-19 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hello,nice to meet u, i think u will get one u like from us!
let me show u some specail bridal veils...
just tell me anything u want~

what kind of bridal veil would u prefer?(邊隻婚紗你更喜歡)
our bridal veils are so elegant( 清雅)and noble(高貴)..and i think they should be suitable (適合)for European(歐洲人)
u should try it on to show whether it is suitable for you..(你應該試下睇下件野岩唔岩你)

This one suits you beautifully(呢件你著得好靚)
when is your wedding???
will u register(註冊) in hk or your native(本身的) country??
have u taken wedding picture yet?

2個一齊黎既咪話你地好親囉 u and your wife match pretty well~
祝你2個永遠愛對方 wish u two in love forever~
our chinese always wish people "get a child early and get a child every year"(我地華人成日祝人年生貴子同早生貴子)

let me show u the exit(帶你出去)

學好英文仲實際~~ support
2006-12-20 11:20 am
Glad to have you here. It's getting colder these two days.
比啲時間發吓噏風。佢哋好鐘意warm up吓先咖。
I'm sorry if my English is not too well. But I'll try my best to help you.
Our gowns are generally simple and elegant, more to the European style.
Do you have anything in mind? Or you prefer more laces or sequins or beads? Chiffon or silk? Veil or tiara? Cutaway tuxedo, ascot and striped strousers?
You may want to try some of it to see what fits.
When is your big day?

2006-12-20 03:24:32 補充:
法國人講唔到 h 字。佢哋唔識「霞」咖。所以house會講成「歐s」之類。留意,留意。
2006-12-19 8:55 pm
一黎就講幾句法文 (如果你識), 唔識都唔緊要, 講英文

Hello, how are you? Welcome to our shop. I'm your adviser, you may call me XXX. Maybe we could sit down and let me introduce our company to you.

Ng...Do you have any desired style of the bridal veil? or you have any specail requirements over the style or quality or sth else?

If you don't have any idea now, doesn't matter, let me introduce some to you. The bridal veil of our company are more like elegant and neat, and some of them are very classical. Many of them are referred to the European magazines.

You may just try them on! Maybe we could choose two or three of them. You know, we have to put them on in order to see the effects, right?

So when is your wedding date? And where would you have the wedding party? In HK or France?

Have you taken your wedding pics yet?
(if taken:) wow, it must be wonderful, do you get the photos back? could you let me have a look?
(if not taken yet:) icic...so it is the hightime to do that! The best is to choose a bridal veil here and take photos. We have the one-stop service for it. (then you explain to her)

講錯grammer 都唔怕的, 最緊要你講得流暢, 外國人唔係好mind, 尤其是法國人的英文都唔係話太好, 佢地聽得明就ok, 你有自信就得ga 啦!
參考: 自己

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