how to keep my cat warm at winter

2006-12-19 7:36 pm
thanks? as my cat seems to be very weak now.

can i ut clothes on her?


she coughs this morning!

回答 (4)

2006-12-21 4:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. what do u mean by "weak"??? Shivering??

2. the lowest temp. recently is just 12C, normally, cats need a 油爐 to keep warm at night only when the temp. drops under 12C.

3. Buy a 油爐(must with fan), the covering area must be the same as your living room + dining room. Ask the sales for the information, they will introduce u to find the suitable one.

4. cough........not a good sign, u should bring her to c the vet.

5. wear 冷衫 when the temp. drops under 12C, coz it's elastic which fits cats. If the temp. is not very low, u can remove it in the day time, it's good for her hairs and skin.

6. should prepare a bed for her, u can have some idea in the below website.
2006-12-19 10:44 pm
衫唔係咁適合佢. 因包住佢 D 毛, 佢會唔舒服 ka. 貓唔同狗, 貓全身 D 毛都係 sensor. 好敏感的, 你包住佢佢唔 like ka. u got to buy your cat a 毛毛有頂小屋仔. 一轉天氣, 我都買左一間比我隻貓貓. 已經足夠 ka la. ok?
2006-12-19 9:22 pm

2006-12-19 13:24:42 補充:
2006-12-19 7:43 pm
use a heater, must.

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